LDEV-5401- Deadlock in RedisCache
LDEV-5398- Race condition in JavaProxyFactory causing FileAlreadyExistsException when creating proxy classes
LDEV-5322- Lucee Admin displays 6.x Versions as downgrades for Ortus ORM Extension
LDEV-5396- docker builds missing (jdk,zero) and base variants, switch to noble
LDEV-5394- Implement Configurable CFID URL Parameter Usage Logging
LDEV-5393- Fix potential Race Condition in Session Scope Management
LDEV-4464- Installer, add support for linux aarch64 (m1/m2/gravitron etc)
LDEV-5392- admin cgiReadOnly doesn't reflect setting
LDEV-5378- cfprocessing directive hangs
LDEV-5376- context/lib directory is no longer working?
LDEV-5382- GetHTTPTimeString is wrongly using hyphens in its datetime mask
LDEV-5278- Date handling differences with 6.2
LDEV-5353- 'clone' method missing for array objects
LDEV-5374- when a file in the deploy folder isn't supported, log and move to the failed to deploy folder
LDEV-5355- ConcurrentModificationException in GetApplicationSettings
LDEV-5354- BigDecimal Number Parsing Fails with Invisible Unicode Characters
LDEV-5327- improve queryToStruct
LDEV-5336- DirectoryInfo(dir) dateLastModified is system time
LDEV-2954- Calling CFTHREAD Creates New JSESSIONID Cookie Even When Session Management Is Disabled
LDEV-112- improve StructSort() to accept a comparer UDF
LDEV-4753- regression: cfupdate under doesn't handle empty numeric values
LDEV-5152- add throwOnError for thread action="join"
LDEV-5308- add GetSystemPropOrEnvVar function
LDEV-3452- CFHTTP doesn't use resource file name, when path is a directory
LDEV-5227- FileResource getMode uses ls -ld , setMode uses chmod
LDEV-5269- add getTempDirectory( prefix ), for getting a unique temp directory, similar to getTempFile()
LDEV-3709- getTempFile, dir should default to getTempDirectory() (when using named params)
LDEV-2713- Uploaded files no longer inherit the destination directory's permissions
LDEV-5304- allow auto session rotate on unknown session cookie (disabled)
LDEV-5241- add function sessionExists
LDEV-3248- SessionInvalidate for JEE Sessions
LDEV-5292- scopeContext.hasExistingCFSessionScope(pc) creates a session
LDEV-3324- sessionRotate() doesn't copy CSRF tokens to new session
LDEV-5291- CSRFVerifyToken, add an optional remove argument, default false
LDEV-810- reEscape function is not implemented
LDEV-3951- Adding Comment in tag-script syntax Causes Exception
LDEV-3507- directoryCreate does not have a mode argument
LDEV-3506- cfdirectory mode is not applied to new parent dirs with createPath=true
LDEV-1655- Support structToSorted() BIF
LDEV-5321- only create ftpPool in pageContext when needed
LDEV-5380- linux installer fails with almalinux / centos / redhat
LDEV-5366- Change Application.log log level default to ERROR
LDEV-5332- Lucee installer - don't set default jvm memory settings
LDEV-4925- Lucee 6.2
LDEV-5334- regression: hanging on shutdown
LDEV-5159- Lucee 6 startup logs contain: "Lucee was not able to register an event listener with io.undertow.servlet.spec.ServletContextImpl"
LDEV-5313- error template doesn't wrap any more
LDEV-5259- regression: installing an extension logs you out of the admin
LDEV-5248- NPE with s3 extension
LDEV-4835- rest mapping not working in single mode
LDEV-3420- Allow overriding log defaults, i.e. force logs to console, great for docker
LDEV-5274- Enable Maven dependency checksum verification
LDEV-5277- Lucee fails checking remote address of existing threads
LDEV-5265- regression windows: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/reactivestreams/Publisher
LDEV-5256- java.lang.ClassCastException: class lucee.runtime.java.JavaObject cannot be cast to class io.proactive.GraphQLProvider
LDEV-5253- Can't delete Cookie in
LDEV-5263- java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't overwrite cause
LDEV-5217- SecurityConfiguration for IntrusionDetector.Disable not found in ESAPI.properties
LDEV-5271- sessionRotate() in onSessionStart() attaches onSessionEnd to old session, instead of the new one
LDEV-5254- regression: duplicate() not making a deep copy of a query
LDEV-3312- FileSetAttribute failing on windows
LDEV-2410- FileSetAttribute(file, "normal") does not clear Read-Only attribute
LDEV-5169- Scheduled tasks aren't loaded from CFconfig.json via deploy folder until restart
LDEV-5097- Scheduled tasks continue running after deletion
LDEV-5246- disable controller System.GC() by default
LDEV-5245- Optimize memory management for empty non-persistent sessions
LDEV-5243- invalid extension is reported as successful
LDEV-4772- Regression: Lucee 6 not finding/reading component mapped archive files
LDEV-2473- Lucee ignores cfmailparam name="Message-ID"
LDEV-5157- regression cfml array .toString() is slow due to reflection
LDEV-5238- unable to load class path [[I.class]
LDEV-4862- esapi temp properties should use a instance specific temp dir
LDEV-5230- internalRequest always creates a session
LDEV-5034- setMode fails on linux using extract("tgz") due to directory mask 40700 instead of 700
LDEV-5144- request access scope is syncronized
LDEV-3728- include the redirected urls in result for cfhttp redirect="true"
LDEV-5123- query edit metadata functions are syncronized, should only be per query instance
LDEV-5146- expandpath with placeholder on windows drops the trailing /
LDEV-5211- make DebugExecutionLog MAX_PARTS bypassable and configurable
LDEV-5207- executionLog position offsets are broken for modern script style cfcs
LDEV-5206- consoleExecutionLog doesn't log to the console
LDEV-3328- invalid path access on windows
LDEV-5213- Regression - Reading properties files using java.util.PropertyResourceBundle very slow
LDEV-5203- createObject("java", "...", [paths] ) slower under java 21 than java 11
LDEV-5220- regression: NPE lucee.transformer.dynamic.meta.dynamic.ClazzDynamic.getMethod (ClazzDynamic.java:326)
LDEV-5218- File::getCanonicalFile and File::getCanonicalPath are much slower since java 12
LDEV-5205- Use optimal default thread count for parallel operations (ArrayEach etc)
LDEV-5180- Regression: BitXor,BitSHRN,BitSHLN return wrong answer when preciseMath is default and then toggled
LDEV-5201- use an optimal hashmap maxsize for pageSourcePool (767 rather than 1000)
LDEV-5200- allow configuring variable name cache max size in KeyImpl
LDEV-5198- regression with bitOr
LDEV-5043- Lucee 6 cfconfig incompatibilities with ortus cfconfig
LDEV-5194- bytecode differs depending on if precise math is enabled
LDEV-5192- slow performance due to constant polling for precise math enabled
LDEV-5161- Performance Regression due preciseMath being on by default
LDEV-5133- updating via .lco in deploy fails
LDEV-5185- regression: failed to access class java.util.HashMap$HashIterator
LDEV-5178- Regression: Invalid call of the function [ArraySort], second Argument [function] is invalid (precise.math=false)
LDEV-5189- ParseNumber doesn't respect precise math, always returns a double
LDEV-5186- regression: xml fails with java 21, admin broken too
LDEV-5156- Allow configuring initialCapacity for arguments and local scopes
LDEV-5163- cache getUsedColumnsForQuery for qoq-hsqldb
LDEV-4132- OSGI error with ESAPI extension [org.lucee.esapi:;findbugsAnnotations:3.0.1;]
LDEV-5181- Regression: java.lang.NullPointerException when using java.lang.System
LDEV-4602- java.lang.StackOverflowError with 1.5mb cfml file
LDEV-3509- Set name of Controler thread to "Controller" so it's easier to find in perf tooling
LDEV-5183- Add Support for Maven Definition in Gradle Short Style
LDEV-3349- CFHTTP double encodes in query string with +/plus/space
LDEV-5137- update postgres to 42.7.4
LDEV-5136- update to mysql 9.1.0
LDEV-5134- update to jsch 0.2.21
LDEV-5150- improve toString() performance for structs and arrays by setting initialCapacity for stringbuilder
LDEV-5149- Struct copy minimal initial capacity should be at least the struct copied size
LDEV-5140- optimise the initial size of the cgi scope
LDEV-5139- Add Configuration to Control Direct Bytecode Execution in Lucee
LDEV-5138- Environment Variable Placeholders in .CFConfig Not Interpreted in Custom Cache Configurations
LDEV-5130- Strange result from Evaluate since
LDEV-5127- Val() function not properly validating
LDEV-5126- Performance Issue with
Tag Using expires="3"
LDEV-5125- Maven: validate downloads against hash provided in header
LDEV-5118- class lucee.invoc.wrap.v3.com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl error loading admin
LDEV-4313- All the Set-Cookie calls (with an expires) are synchronized
LDEV-5119- errors not thrown with invalid or unsupported component javasettings maven specs
LDEV-5120- Java Crash after update to
LDEV-5115- switch to java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter from SimpleFormat
LDEV-5116- application jdbc regression: Given version [latest] is invalid,
LDEV-5113- streamline the use of "synchronized"
LDEV-2853- avoid synchronized with DateTime Format
LDEV-4244- thread scope being reported as unscoped
LDEV-4098- thread scope content corruption / loss, with testbox 2.3.0 or greater
LDEV-5099- lucee.runtime.engine.ThreadLocalPageContext.get() is null when using this.useJavaAsRegexEngine = TRUE
LDEV-5106- Dynclasses not being cleared when JDK version changes (also, bug with JDK v23)
LDEV-5095- missing value on string object was thrown as missing property, now throws missing method
LDEV-5104- NPE in CookieImpl (concurrency issue)
LDEV-5103- "java.lang.NullPointerException" when creating "java.text.SimpleDateFormat"
LDEV-5092- java.util.ConcurrentModificationException in Java replaceCode
LDEV-5085- regression: preside antisamy service fails to load java resources
LDEV-5086- BigDecimal type and value mismatch in ORM prepared statements
LDEV-5084- No matching method for java.util.HashMap.newHashMap(numeric) found. there are no methods with this name.
LDEV-4356- excessive RPC file not found checking
LDEV-5082- Implement Efficient DateTimeFormatter Reordering
LDEV-5079- add function "importJavaSettings"
LDEV-5075- load java classes with the new operator
LDEV-4211- Using not existing ORM entity within transaction throws incorrect error
LDEV-4929- Improve CFML compiler exceptions with line and col and snippet
LDEV-4800- deserializeJSON() string of ordered struct returns an array - should throw error
LDEV-5377- Tomcat 11 Installers, Express & Docker images for 6.2.1 onwards
LDEV-5031- Incorrect QoQ results when ordering aggregate selecft
LDEV-5047- Lucee 6.2 war file (forgebox/commandbox) references removed Lucee servlet class
LDEV-4020- Inconsistency in argument default handling with null support enabled
LDEV-5040- add support for "javasettings" to cfconfig
LDEV-5033- add argument "javasettings" to function JavaCast
LDEV-3329- extensions are constantly read from the filesystem
LDEV-5021- improve performance with cloning PageContext
LDEV-4965- extend this.javasettings with support for maven and osgi defintions
LDEV-3578- CFMLWriterImpl.java BUFFER_SIZE=100000 degrades performance
LDEV-5016- add argument "format" to IsJson
LDEV-4933- extend jdbcDriver with connectionString data
LDEV-4874- invalid conditional operator - race compiler bug
LDEV-4910- Switch the core and loader to jakarta (from javax)
LDEV-5415- Implement Cascading Write Logging Flags
LDEV-5406- Lucee query parameter error with param [...] may not be empty
LDEV-5405- restart causing this exception (silently)
LDEV-5166- default component and customtag mapping lost
LDEV-5141- Performance regression calling stringbuilder.ToString() since Lucee 6
LDEV-4379- build: if a testcase won't compile, manually sniff and check for skip=true or throw
LDEV-3274- CFFTP doesn't support custom/extended commands
LDEV-5107- URLdecode no longer can handle umlauts in input
LDEV-5010- fileWrite etc exception is confusing with invalid charset
LDEV-5102- Optimize QueryLazy Behavior to Prevent Unnecessary Data Fetching on ResultSet.close()
LDEV-5091- Preserve case environment variable setting not working
LDEV-5089- Switch all functions from double to Number
LDEV-5083- org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException: api.abc.org:80 failed to respond
LDEV-5073- ParseDateTime parsing changed between updated to Lucee