LDEV-1841- Asynchronous programming
LDEV-1829- typed array
LDEV-1806- Named parameters in functions check with ACF
LDEV-897- Scheduled tasks expire without end date
LDEV-1824- Numeric Member Functions
LDEV-1820- Enable this.enableNULLSupport in Application.cfc
LDEV-1816- show creation date of OSGi Bundle
LDEV-1314- Show datasource "Open Connections" count in server admin
LDEV-226- Display host/server on datasource list
LDEV-1762- allow overriding titles in admin extensions
LDEV-1725- ListLast() is missing the count argument
LDEV-1768- improve DirectoryWatcher Logging and error handling
LDEV-1536- Services Tasks names need to be wrapped
LDEV-1792- add function DebugAdd
LDEV-1750- Add SQL Attribute to cfquery
LDEV-1022- Installing new version of Extension doesn't reload plugin
LDEV-1771- add function extensionList
LDEV-1764- add possibility to set ftp credentials in application.cfc
LDEV-1343- convert input tags (cfform/cfinput/cfselect ...) from java to cfml
LDEV-1573- Support for Java 9
LDEV-1705- ArrayPrepend Merge Argument Missing
LDEV-339- arrayContainsNoCase looks at item substring
LDEV-1734- change default behaviour of bufferOutput
LDEV-1722- add abort info to debug output
LDEV-394- IsDebugMode incompatibility
LDEV-1618- Resource Provider should only be loaded when used
LDEV-1608- admin-updateExtension add support for id
LDEV-1604- remove xerces and xalan from core
LDEV-1595- Move Webservices (Axis) to an Extension
LDEV-1558- add support to add generic values to debug output
LDEV-1401- Add Collapsible Stack Trace to Errors in Admin
LDEV-2190- Error when updgrading/downgrading MSSQL JDBC driver
LDEV-2195- extend "org.osgi.framework.system.packages" with "javax.security.auth.kerberos"
LDEV-2257- Regression from LDEV-2247 fix
LDEV-2247- Client cookies are not marked as secure and httpOnly
LDEV-2174- ACF Compatibility for this.blockedExtForFileUpload in Application.cfc
LDEV-2048- datasource logger fails with big data
LDEV-1963- Lucee 5.3 can't able to type "/" in any text area
LDEV-1971- Severe Performance Regression in
LDEV-1945- query currentrow NPE
LDEV-1775- uninstalling a plugin doesn't work or log
LDEV-1934- Memory issues because queryobject contains a very large ArrayInt
LDEV-1923- Allow jars in extensions to be compressed with Pack200
LDEV-1922- Support core.lco to be compressed with Pack200
LDEV-623- support for Pack200 with bundled bundles
LDEV-1778- CreateDynamicProxy(): no class defined exceptions when implementing core JDK interfaces
LDEV-1911- Custom tags implemented in Java that make use of TryCatchFinally throws exception
LDEV-1808- cffile - mimetype of empty 0 byte files incorrect in
LDEV-1155- OnApplicationStart not always called
LDEV-794- CGI.HTTPS is not set
LDEV-1833- cfstoredproc call for Oracle - ORA-06550
LDEV-571- Access to variables scope in onSessionStart() is not thread safe
LDEV-1844- Chaining of member functions
LDEV-1617- Function LSParseDateTime() is not thread safe
LDEV-1885- Error Message doesn't clear in admin
LDEV-1871- cffeed outputs `entry.content.type` attr twice in Atom
LDEV-1887- scheduled task ends unexpected
LDEV-1875- When session-storage datasource can't be reached while sessionCluster=true, the error msg is incorrect
LDEV-1872- Some Lucee Admin Images Are Missing (Again)
LDEV-2105- Lucee does not forget templates deleted
LDEV-1207- this.sessioncluster=true breaks sessions
LDEV-1497- Session variable not set after sessionrotate() within same request
LDEV-1876- Server.Coldfusion.SupportedLocales not supporting Welsh locale
LDEV-929- use default value on cfproperty regardless of accessors
LDEV-1021- cfmail subject doesn't sanitise new lines
LDEV-1143- Confusing Error Message with Partial Null Support and Debug Enabled
LDEV-1281- cfinput validate="email" client-side JS should be case insensitive
LDEV-974- Support Adobe's settings for JSON serialization
LDEV-630- CF setting, this.smtpServerSettings, is missing from Lucee
LDEV-1092- STARTTLS command not executed for SMTP mail.
LDEV-95- CFHTTP doesn't send username and password attributes as Basic Authentication header over SSL
LDEV-1854- javascript error in admin with heap/non heap graphs
LDEV-398- SerializeJSON difference between ACF and Lucee
LDEV-1682- REFind - scope is missing
LDEV-1467- Regression? REMatch() bug LDEV-90 fixed in 4.5, still present in
LDEV-1797- Cannot run thread tags in member functions
LDEV-578- Executing a cfthread inside of a closure fails
LDEV-462- thread doesn't work in function expression
LDEV-1715- abstract functions missing from component meta data
LDEV-1293- query.map mishandles the "template" query
LDEV-1578- NPE at lucee.runtime.spooler.SpoolerEngineImpl.getFile()
LDEV-1838- cannot serialise CGI Scope
LDEV-1837- cannot serialze server.os.macAddress
LDEV-1831- component deserialisation issue with application mappings
LDEV-1830- cannot ObjectLoad a closure
LDEV-215- Creating a datasource storage table does not create an index
LDEV-1803- toBase64 behaves differently with strings and numbers
LDEV-1787- trim long string in argument validation errors
LDEV-1810- ListFirst count invalid
LDEV-1494- cfajaxproxy throw error while try to access the component
LDEV-98- Saving an edit to a mapping does not return the user to the mappings list page
LDEV-1565- Search in the Lucee Admin does not work anymore
LDEV-1807- Serialisation Exception
LDEV-1592- Possible DeserializeJSON problem
LDEV-1119- GetHttpRequestData().content sometimes empty when body content posted
LDEV-1760- MySQL ORM Dialect in Application.cfc no longer auto-detects
LDEV-1757- Slow Felix startup performance re-creating cache folder
LDEV-1630- Felix cache locking is a blocker for CommandBox 4
LDEV-1629- Messages leaking to console out
LDEV-1777- event gateway listing should always show all active tasks
LDEV-1743- LSNumber doen't work above
LDEV-574- DollarFormat does not round up
LDEV-1773- cfapplication action=update doesn't change application name
LDEV-1755- Performance of loading hundreds of timezones on startup
LDEV-1751- for loops should auto cast numbers to strings (i.e. treat them as a single member list)
LDEV-1147- cfstoredproc fails with parameters when called by synonym which contains #
LDEV-1749- when an extension holds a non OSGi Bundle jar it fails
LDEV-1713- improve logging for missing extensions in deploy.log
LDEV-1736- server scope can no longer be serialized
LDEV-1547- argument validation error exposes template path
LDEV-1744- "/" application mapping overrules config mappings
LDEV-1742- Broken URLs for background images in WAR deployment
LDEV-1739- allow to set tag and function directory via system.property or env variable
LDEV-1738- downgrade from 5.3 to 5.2 lead to reports of unsupported extensions.
LDEV-1667- numberFormat does not work properly anymore with Lucee 5.2.6.x
LDEV-1003- Attribute 'key' is not allowed for tag cfftp
LDEV-1733- change on default bufferoutput behaviour causes problems
LDEV-1731- application.mappings.allowRelPath
LDEV-1729- NPE calling expandPath() from JSR-223
LDEV-1718- Creating a / mapping causes incorrect path expansions, use lucee mappings first
LDEV-1719- bad performance cachedwithin-function
LDEV-1700- Context Time Zone Affects Server-Wide Time Zone
LDEV-1662- cflocation output html with plain text url (XSS possibility)
LDEV-1686- server update doesn't handle http errors
LDEV-1683- passing component on missing constructor invokes implicit setters
LDEV-1654- hidden CFX C++ admin page still references bitbucket instead of jira
LDEV-555- BinaryDecode fails when decoding strings with = at end
LDEV-1640- Java heap memory exhaustion, pegged CPU, and unresponsive server
LDEV-1480- cachedwithin with a timespan of 0 creates cache keys in redis
LDEV-1064- alias ignored with attributecollection
LDEV-1544- Server is returning exception-message header
LDEV-1217- exception-message HTTP header presents security risk of information disclosure
LDEV-1689- show blocking info in request timeout log
LDEV-1688- add datasource appender for log4j
LDEV-546- dateDiff() option for milliseconds
LDEV-1553- TimeSpan cannot be casted implicitly as Boolean
LDEV-1681- JDBC Extension identifier
LDEV-1496- Updating MySQL driver to 6.0.2 breaks existing datasource connections
LDEV-1549- cffile - mimetype of MS Office files incorrect in
LDEV-1665- email addresses with german umlauts are not validated correctly
LDEV-1674- Extension with classis jars create nullpointer exception on deployment
LDEV-1679- invoke() called with arguments, wipes out the arguments
LDEV-1349- Strange "String index out of range: -7" in Mura CMS/plugins
LDEV-1267- With complete null support, nulls in an array cannot be referenced by index
LDEV-1023- Lucene CFINDEX ClassNotFoundException
LDEV-1389- Threading issue: the thread scope cannot be modified from outside the owner thread
LDEV-390- Incorrect mime type detection of ms excel
LDEV-1358- Server communication to Extension Provider blocks the context
LDEV-1659- ORM Error Cache is not alive (STATUS_SHUTDOWN)
LDEV-1603- stray 'cflock' variable created when
or script equivalent is used
LDEV-1606- Cfzipparam issue
LDEV-1641- Internal ORM exceptions are not thrown (when they should be!)
LDEV-1651- directoryExists("")
LDEV-1652- parseDateTime() can't parse a valid string when using a pattern
LDEV-1658- arraySort() member function doesn't validate required params correctly
LDEV-1587- Lucee server crashes when 1 db connection hangs/fails for a clustered session/client scope
LDEV-1623- Intermediate values used in function not released until function is finished
LDEV-1633- Missing Else Segment of Ternary IF threw unrelated error location
LDEV-1635- Database Connections Stay Open
LDEV-1600- Search menu item is visible, but no search extension is installed
LDEV-1634- InputBaseN casting to int unnecessarily
LDEV-1373- cfhttp does not work where method is "get" and httpparam has "body" type
LDEV-687- REST DELETE should support BODY parameter
LDEV-530- Enhance CFIMAP Tag
LDEV-1607- webservice with complex referenced types fails
LDEV-3307- Task Gateway
LDEV-1537- mail spooler retries emails with missing from address
LDEV-1486- StructFilter() doesn't work on arguments scope
LDEV-1485- ArrayFilter() doesn't work on arguments scope with declared parameters
LDEV-1483- Immediately Invoke lambda works with one param but not two
LDEV-422- does not encode attachment file names
LDEV-1560- Implicit Accessors Do Not Respect Types
LDEV-1561- invalid values in iterations argument of hash function
LDEV-1576- Saving of cfimage to Database stopped working in
LDEV-1563- Lucee Admin logging nonsense error
LDEV-1582- NumberFormat() with negative numbers, working differs from ACF
LDEV-1579- EHCache java.lang.NullPointerException
LDEV-1574- GetSystemMetrics() throws error while clientScope is enabled
LDEV-1378- Allow to pass an array as value to cfqueryparam
LDEV-1570- DateTimeFormat does not support 'X' in the mask
LDEV-941- cfzip action=zip doesn't keep empty folders
LDEV-1174- IsNumeric() is inconsistent with NumberFormat() in Scientific Notation numbers
LDEV-1557- Load MacAddress only when used
LDEV-1476- Image data corrupted while using data from tobase64 ()
LDEV-1533- getFileInfo reports the wrong file size
LDEV-1514- HtmlHead and HtmlBody ignore ID attribute
LDEV-1512- Can't deserialize a createTimeSpan(0,0,1,0) result
LDEV-1511- In case a datasource is not reachable, open connections increases
LDEV-1499- function isDate is very slow
LDEV-1396- Default ACL for file operations on S3 must be "private"
LDEV-1416- Error Run file compile
LDEV-1411- Compiling into RAM not possible anymore
LDEV-1481- GetHTTPRequestData() can take an argument in ACF; argument causes error in Lucee 5
LDEV-1009- The GetHttpRequestData() function with content type application/octet-stream should return binary instead of a string in the content variable
LDEV-962- Admin "Add Favorites"
LDEV-1477- query tags ignore datasources
LDEV-1473- Memory Leak in running thread pool
LDEV-1167- WDDX of empty struct having "type" deserializes to empty string
LDEV-1177- ScriptProtect off + stray dot in URL parameters = NullPointerException (simple test case provided)
LDEV-225- QueryExecute / Query should be able to accept an array as a list param
LDEV-1394- value key of queryparam should not be required when null=true
LDEV-364- queryParam null=true doesn't work for QueryExecute
LDEV-1273- Problems with cfdocument encoding after upgrade to Lucee 5
LDEV-1235- CFPDF merge ignores name order
LDEV-1462- expandPath fails with contextpath that are start the same way as other contextpath
LDEV-259- Undeploying webapp does not stop felix threads
LDEV-1327- Mail Server Verification Fails
LDEV-1370- ORM Data update not saved in the db -> Lucee Admin Issue
LDEV-1409- File system operations to in memory resource fails with null pointer under load
LDEV-1386- Client SSL broken in Lucee 5
LDEV-1393- toBinary() for Base64 encoded input streams throw error
LDEV-1385- java.lang.NullPointerException error on cfpdf action="addwatermark"
LDEV-1383- mail-server konfiguration
LDEV-1381- CFregistry is not working
LDEV-1453- Memory Leak with PageContext
LDEV-1452- add support for mail listener
LDEV-1451- "Services - Update" in admin cannot connect update provider
LDEV-1312- Unable to load class org.lucee.extension.cache.eh.LuceeRMICacheReplicatorFactory
LDEV-102- Server/Web admin GUI Mailing List link points to Discourse
LDEV-1332- The CacheManager has been shut down. It can no longer be used.
LDEV-1438- when update provider is not available we an invalid information
LDEV-1369- CFMLEngineImpl.createPageContext() returns the wrong Context in Multi Hosts Environment
LDEV-1362- CSS and Image Resources Do Not Show in Lucee Admin
LDEV-1437- "currentrow" not available in thread
LDEV-1430- NullPointerException parsing XML in RC
LDEV-1433- cfcatch.caused show itself
LDEV-1435- orm session is not flush within the request
LDEV-1434- ORMFlush following an ORMFlush fails
LDEV-1427- thread PageContext not available in release
LDEV-1361- lucee.runtime.exp.NativeException: Index: 0, Size: 0 when saving ORM entities
LDEV-1426- lucee does not start up within commandbox
LDEV-1425- download latest bundle
LDEV-1350- cfchartseries throws exception on empty query cells
LDEV-1229- ORM: Error when updating an entity with 1-many children and 'delete-orphan' or 'all-delete-orphan' cascade
LDEV-1419- Comparison of numbers with decimal places fail when they are different underlying data types
LDEV-1354- Modern Debug Template selectNode() Stopped Working
LDEV-1413- Error in administrator - Mail Services
LDEV-1173- Missing arguments and argument types in serializeJSON
LDEV-1286- Unexpected behavior with param's required attribute
LDEV-1337- invalid format with lsNumberformat
LDEV-1415- Query CachedWithin retrieval extends Cache Lifetime
LDEV-1414- add SoftReferenceCacheHandler
LDEV-1410- improve performance with updating classes
LDEV-1387- Can't build Lucee due to typo in Administrator.cfc
LDEV-1364- Lucee web admin resize feature returning 500 on ajax requests
LDEV-1366- Query hanging when cloning
LDEV-1390- missing format in admin
LDEV-1404- jdbc tag is not updated
LDEV-1384- CFML Expression Interpreter does not use passed PageContext
LDEV-907- cachedwithin with an timespan of zero no longer clears cache
LDEV-1266- CreateObject( "java" ) fails when passing the path of the directory containing the jar
LDEV-1355- MongoDB session storage cache
LDEV-1271- ArrayEvery() always returns true if the array only contains nulls
LDEV-1379- client.lastvisit and client.timecreated invalid with clientstorage
LDEV-1301- install attempt with every start
LDEV-1093- Implement fix for LDEV-467 on Lucee 5
LDEV-1372- thread in thread fails when using sleep()
LDEV-1322- deserializeJSON doesn't handle e-notation numbers correctly
LDEV-1256- parseDateTime doesn't work with offsets greater than 12 hours
LDEV-1142- Member Functions Cannot Be Applied to the ColumnList Property of a Query Object
LDEV-1274- lsParseCurrency() throws NPE for negative numbers
LDEV-1170- RAILO-858 Add the Coldfusion built-in function generate3DesKey
LDEV-1295- duplicate member functions missing from native data types
LDEV-1307- dateTimeFormat member function missing
LDEV-35- Date/time formatting member functions missing
LDEV-1299- cfquery with cachedafter fails when given datetime
LDEV-1342- Missing Huffman Code
LDEV-1367- Tomcat 8.5 fails with Lucee 5
LDEV-1320- Client-Storage in DB not work
LDEV-1339- Empty string to XMLTransform causes Access is Denied exception
LDEV-1357- Fusion Reactor fails with async request handling
LDEV-1292- Defining a MySql datasource in Application.cfc with custom connection parameters fails
LDEV-1053- Add logging when extension provider can't connect
LDEV-1321- Lucee Admin showing the wrong location for Client Storage
LDEV-1305- Unable to downgrade via admin
LDEV-1340- add warning about Java 7 to admin
LDEV-1341- javascript error breaks cfdump
LDEV-1317- Preserve case breaks cfdump in Lucee 5.2
LDEV-1336- invalid scheduler.xml breaks Lucee
LDEV-392- CFIMAGE results in out of bands with PNG files
LDEV-1330- NPE accessing AppContext when no ApContext exist
LDEV-1121- Object created by createDynamicProxy() not instanceOf specified interface
LDEV-1300- Lucee 5.2 breaks PDF
LDEV-1110- Script syntax for cfinvoke throws exception
LDEV-219- IIFEs - Inline Closures do not execute but give a compiler error
LDEV-1000- Ability to keep connection state on http/s calls
LDEV-1290- only output component dump when debug output is enabled
LDEV-1280- add support for cfquery-tags
LDEV-550- Order of used mailservers is wrong (currently server first)
LDEV-997- drop down in admin/mail to prefill a popular mail server.
LDEV-211- The sessionstorage is a free textfield
LDEV-1156- add function FileTouch
LDEV-141- XML.elemNew() not implemented
LDEV-140- XML.search() not implemented
LDEV-1097- remove deprecated member functions reduce and filter
LDEV-1074- add key "cause" to catch block
LDEV-1268- Admin errors when bad update URL saved
LDEV-1201- Elvis not working on key returned by function call
LDEV-1038- tag throwing an error when action is set to "protect"
LDEV-1225- Removing a log entry needs lucee restart
LDEV-1219- orientation attribute using landscape not working in cfdocument pdf
LDEV-1182- DateDiff months returns one month less than it should
LDEV-1243- REST exceptions not logged
LDEV-1270- request timeout lead to zombie threads in servlet engine
LDEV-1227- Static methods in super components can't be called within a component
LDEV-1231- Calling static function will suppress output after called
LDEV-1257- Startup of the server is not consistent
LDEV-1253- Lucee start up to slow
LDEV-1010- Having EHCache Defined Slows the Process of stopping the service in Windows
LDEV-802- Inconsistent Responses from CFHTTP
LDEV-1254- add function GetComponentStaticScope(compName)
LDEV-1232- Dump with classic format doesn't shows correct template
LDEV-1226- invalid action [geterrorlist] for tag admin
LDEV-1249- NPE can be thrown when Debug is enabled
LDEV-1246- queryparam-bigint shrinks number
LDEV-1153- cfdocument ignores external image link.
LDEV-1238- set URL as default value for cfhttpparam-type
LDEV-532- Client Variables - Database creation failed on MSSQL
LDEV-1129- cffile throws java.lang.ClassCastException when accessing s3 file
LDEV-1127- StoreSetMetadata() does not actually change file permissions in S3
LDEV-1176- DirectoryExists() and FileExists() is extremely slow on buckets with a large number of containers.
LDEV-1112- ImageWrite Issue
LDEV-1052- Upgrading or Downgrading Lucee 5 resets JDBC driver version
LDEV-1184- Improve how Lucee sends mail when one or more addresses are invalid
LDEV-910- secure missing from cfpop
LDEV-1192- Java exception keys missing from exception struct
LDEV-1158- for/in loop on java.util.LinkedHashMap empty
LDEV-1218- request timeout lead to blocked threads
LDEV-1144- The Dump Template is using H1 which might be overwritten
LDEV-1208- catch struct set by catch block, should be in nearest scope
LDEV-869- Changing code in a file that's been loaded with two different cases errors
LDEV-1209- cfschedule result vs. return variable attribute problem
LDEV-1204- Error with isDate() function
LDEV-1205- http-cachedwithin cacheitem to percise
LDEV-1202- getApplicationSettings().datasources is null if none are defined
LDEV-1203- http-cachedwithin not reset
LDEV-699- cfpdf addfooter not supported
LDEV-1193- Empty response when cfthread used in certain setups
LDEV-1195- JVM blocked by PageSourceImpl
LDEV-1191- add support for Application.cfc->tag[include|function].cachedWithin
LDEV-1190- Application.cfc ->cachedwithin.file not supported
LDEV-1189- Application.cfc ->cachedwithin.include not supported
LDEV-531- Script version of cfmail doesn't recognise attributeCollection
LDEV-570- cfmail / cfmailparam with attachment contains wrong mimetype
LDEV-732- postgres extension fails to install
LDEV-1160- No matching Method/Function for Query.getColumnList(boolean) found.
LDEV-1172- SNI support
LDEV-1113- cfdocument broken after upgrade 4.5 to 5
LDEV-1056- DSN settings in Admin can be lost on error
LDEV-1054- Improve formatting for cache custom properties in hint
LDEV-1157- datasource connection limit fail
LDEV-176- serializeJSON() on loaded ORM panics server
LDEV-294- param doesn't work properly
LDEV-1146- deSerializeJSON fail to parse a negative float value
LDEV-779- CFMAIL intermittently fails with exception java.lang.ThreadDeath
LDEV-1141- always set timeout with query
LDEV-1126- Lucee evaluates arithmatic CFML Expressions in JSON
LDEV-1122- Class files no longer have full path for sourceFile
LDEV-1124- datasource timezone ignored for reading incoming date
LDEV-1116- Oracle query with systimestamp returns object instead of string
LDEV-549- Error if you call an EHCache "default"
LDEV-433- lsNumberFormat does not work properly for Switzerland
LDEV-414- http().addParam throws a NullPointerException with type: File
LDEV-407- http timeout with throwOnError gives java.lang.NullPointerException
LDEV-359- Lucee Cannot List Certain Types of S3 Directories: "File foo exists, but isn't a directory"
LDEV-1085- Mail attachment file not unique using content attribute
LDEV-690- cfmailparam file=filename saves to non-unique temp file
LDEV-1055- Caches don't show in Application.cfc export in admin
LDEV-776- SessionRotate() 'destroys' session for j2ee based sessions
LDEV-677- sessionrotate() kills session when using datasource storage
LDEV-85- sessionRotate() creates JSESSIONID
LDEV-1025- Date and Time Format Functions Not Parsing "Y" Year Mask
LDEV-1008- Implement WebSockets as an Extension
LDEV-298- Functions return "image" are incorrectly typed as returning numeric
LDEV-1006- Regression: sessionInvalidate() causes java.lang.ClassCastException
LDEV-1086- Update Lucee 5.1 admin to show Adobe CF 2016 as the compatibility version
LDEV-584- listRemoveDuplicates, returns adjacent empty elements (ACF incompat)
LDEV-1098- Lucee fails to cast the value returned from String.charAt(index) as integer
LDEV-391- Default timezone for cfquery
LDEV-399- parseNumber() argument misspell
LDEV-1099- ClassNotFound with FLD
LDEV-1068- For Query Object, SerializeJSON function is not returning uppercase column names inside DATA struct.
LDEV-1096- CLONE - java.util.ConcurrentModificationException thrown randomly during deploy under load
LDEV-1094- admin extension overview throws a NPE when full null support is enabled
LDEV-278- Extend the function JavaCast to support string to char array
LDEV-528- getPageContext().getRequest().getParameter() returns null
LDEV-1069- java.util.ConcurrentModificationException on structKeyTranslate(FORM)
LDEV-1014- java.util.ConcurrentModificationException thrown randomly during deploy under load
LDEV-1091- literal ansi timestamp parser not support timezone offset
LDEV-1090- query returntype struct returns only regular struct
LDEV-1083- xmlParse with big invalid input can produce an out of memor error
LDEV-151- Typed Functions fail to return nulls (and throw an error)
LDEV-1077- this.mails should be aliased as this.mailServers
LDEV-454- Lucee strips the cause from exceptions when casting them in some instances
LDEV-374- Date Diff and Compare member functions don't work with dates loaded via ORM
LDEV-666- '/' mapping ignored
LDEV-6- imageGetExifMetadata() returns a lot less data
LDEV-852- cfpdfparam source as dynamic variable fails
LDEV-1046- Caches from Application.cfc don't show in getApplicationSettings() or getAppicationMetaData()
LDEV-1061- loop struct should accept key and value attributes as aliases for index and item
LDEV-600- Dump error for static members with no access modifier
LDEV-231- cfschedule attribute result alias for ACF10 compatibility
LDEV-193- lock with timeout='0' doesn't use admin settings
LDEV-1058- Lucee without java agent: get missing include errors for tmp files used in AOP
LDEV-28- String.parseDateTime() method missing
LDEV-1057- java.util.ConcurrentModificationException on ArrayList iterator
LDEV-1040- Sort methods of a CFC when dumping
LDEV-811- serializeJSON() doesn't escape control characters
LDEV-181- Function names are converted to uppercase
LDEV-1047- Application.cfc cache without Custom struct isn't created and no error thrown
LDEV-1041- Global undocumented function setYear appeared in 5.1.
LDEV-1042- Can't get metadata on abstract CFC
LDEV-1043- add possibility to install a specific Lucee version
LDEV-715- Ability to create a Cache Connection from Application.cfc
LDEV-1015- add support for nested threads