LDEV-4822- ACF uses dimensions for ArrayNew, Lucee uses dimension
LDEV-4805- Add optional flush attribute to cfdump
LDEV-4820- Lucee 6 Admin - Extensions table header content invisiable
LDEV-4811- Implement Thread-Specific PrintStream for Selective Output Capture
LDEV-1545- isFlushed() to detect if CFFLUSH has been called
LDEV-4797- Compile Bytecode generated to specific version (default Java 11)
LDEV-4799- Add option (controlled via system.prop/env.var) to debug the bytecode generated.
LDEV-4798- change java version for the compiler in ANT/Maven to Java 11.
LDEV-3122- add nameconflict="forceunique" for file uploads to use a filename with a uuid
LDEV-4081- FileWrite exception is missing the filepath
LDEV-3652- Lucee's implementation of SerializeJSON function ignores remotingfetch and getter of a property in Entity component
LDEV-1049- Allow to set default returnFormat for functions
LDEV-3970- default to returning json rather than wddx
LDEV-3743- DollarFormat incorrect negative values on Java 11
LDEV-4166- onSessionEnd() never triggered using SessionInvalidate()
LDEV-3478- onSessionEnd() never triggered using sessionRotate()
LDEV-4793- avoid synchronised in pageContext creation, use an atomicInteger for pd id
LDEV-4143- bytecode: update objectweb.asm to 9.3
LDEV-3675- GetTempFile race condition
LDEV-3076- Invalid access value[-1] - admin - updateDefaultsecurityManager
LDEV-3113- add application.mergeFormUrlAsStruct=true|false
LDEV-2315- include localisation masks in GetLocaleInfo()
LDEV-2230- Error handling stack generation: logic to get absolute path from mapped CFC/CFM paths is very expensive and fails
LDEV-4790- Implement Shorthand Notation for Literal Structs
LDEV-4535- use nio for file copy or increase blocksize for ioCopy from 65k
LDEV-4327- Remove Lucee DIALECT in 6.0
LDEV-4767- improve logger name with JsonLayout
LDEV-5277- Lucee fails checking remote address of existing threads
LDEV-5166- default component and customtag mapping lost
LDEV-5139- Add Configuration to Control Direct Bytecode Execution in Lucee
LDEV-5138- Environment Variable Placeholders in .CFConfig Not Interpreted in Custom Cache Configurations
LDEV-5132- Error 400 on Explicit Release Version due to Double Slash in Repository URL
LDEV-5024- deserializeJson no longer allows empty string
LDEV-5008- queryparam - empty string no longer is handled the same way as null
LDEV-4889- NPE with a .cfconfig.json datasources without class or dsn using configImport, singleMode type="web" doesn't work
LDEV-4923- add componentDataMemberAccess to getApplicationSettings()
LDEV-4877- the web context has defined the same configuration directory as the server context
LDEV-4890- Switching version admin keeps old mapping
LDEV-4882- extension without id get ignored
LDEV-4737- The UPDATE menu option only shows v6 options.
LDEV-4880- add dotNotationUpperCase to getApplicationSettings()
LDEV-4847- Unnecessary Runtime.exec call in getMode
LDEV-4414- ObjectEquals false positive on array of arrays
LDEV-3993- CreateODBCTime(now()).toString() returns incorrect result
LDEV-4868- Query listener drops "null" from params, breaking any query using null="true"
LDEV-4873- Support for Defining Lucee Version via Environment Variable or System Property
LDEV-4826- Regression: Lucee Breaks ColdBox apps - getObjectMetadata() missing properties
LDEV-4773- update to jsch - 0.2.17 - CVE-2023-48795 / terrapin ssh attack
LDEV-1522- Elvis Operator fails with result from Function
LDEV-368- Elvis operator glitches on function returns
LDEV-3893- queryparam should not accept arrays when list=false
LDEV-3805- Duplicator.duplicate() misses some serializable classes
LDEV-3482- inform a downgrade from Lucee 6 to 5 means loosing config
LDEV-3738- Lucee loses a bunch of stuff from Java exceptions
LDEV-4019- getTimezone function not compatible with CF
LDEV-4531- Unexpected behaviour with dot-pathed final static struct
LDEV-4774- breaks parsing strings formatted as dd/mm/yyyy as dates
LDEV-4766- lsParseCurrency is not thread safe
LDEV-4839- update commons-compress to 1.26.1, commons-io to 2.16.1
LDEV-4838- update postgres jdbc to 42.7.3
LDEV-4837- update mysql to 8.3.0
LDEV-4836- add http QUERY method to CFHTTP
LDEV-4827- Float/real values in SQL Server broken due to LDEV-4780
LDEV-4649- StorageScopeCache tokens map allowed to grow unbounded, creating memory leak
LDEV-4829- QoQ doesn't handle | and * correctly in LIKE expressions
LDEV-4834- concurrency issue with FLD
LDEV-4833- PageContext keeps a reference to all child threads
LDEV-4832- reflect user-agent in cfid
LDEV-4828- Query dump with more than 30 columns error
LDEV-4825- millisecond fraction is not correctly parsed
LDEV-2824- For Each, Every, Map etc, when maxthreads=1, disable parallel and reuse pageContext
LDEV-4815- admin error updating scopes - formUrlAsStruct
LDEV-4817- Server.cfc breaks cfimport
LDEV-4812- NPE in wrong context on Component.evaluate()
LDEV-4810- add env var/sys prop lucee.validate.systemexit
LDEV-4809- add env var/sys prop info to Lucee admin
LDEV-4804- add functions SystemExitHas, SystemExitScan and SystemExitClean (experimental)
LDEV-4795- NPE when Log resource appender has no grand parent directory
LDEV-4155- replaceNoCase not working with certain non ascii strings
LDEV-2446- Default Lucee error page doesn't respect whitespace in tag context code output
LDEV-3776- FormatBaseN() returns different values in Lucee compared to ACF
LDEV-3666- BitAnd and BitOr return wrong numbers for large operations
LDEV-1811- tag and function descriptions still contain tabs from the source xml file
LDEV-4789- make SchedulerImpl thread safe
LDEV-4783- returnFormat is missing from getMetaData when it is set to 'xml'
LDEV-4249- email attachment filenames are sometimes corrupted
LDEV-3998- Better error reporting when ScrptConverter._serialize() fails to serialize an object
LDEV-2622- Add TLS Support to CFLDAP Tag
LDEV-174- Error with Empty String as Text Parameter of writeLog/
LDEV-4787- Datasource name doesn't support hyphens ( - ) in Lucee6
LDEV-4672- cfadmin-surveillance NPE
LDEV-4126- cgi.remote_user is populated, but not cgi.auth_user
LDEV-4785- Intermittent Failure of Elvis Operator Due to Concurrent Variable Modification
LDEV-4786- Lucee Logs: WARNING: expected resource not found: /META-INF/javamail.default.address.map
LDEV-4756- add support for Partitioned cookies
LDEV-4780- float to string as scientific notation
LDEV-4777- Resolve JSch Algorithm Negotiation Failure for SFTP Connections
LDEV-4770- to many log entries on request timeout
LDEV-4677- Admin - Lucee 6 upgrade notification from overview page is not redirected to update page
LDEV-4569- proxy settings missing from getApplicationMetadata
LDEV-4441- don't deploy admin when not enabled
LDEV-4406- Lucee 6 Admin - Event Gateway start/stop option didn't work
LDEV-4455- Incorrect error message - ImageSharpen() with gain argument
LDEV-4717- Administrator.cfc getApplicationListener() is missing APPLICATIONPATHTIMEOUT
LDEV-4716- Administrator.cfc .getBundle() is missing description
LDEV-4688- RESTError to http status mapping and subresource locator support
LDEV-4664- update to jsch 0.2.11 - better support for private keys with windows line endings
LDEV-4765- query column full null support with elvis
LDEV-4758- avoid unnecessarly involment of the PageSourcePool
LDEV-4752- JsonAppender message as Json
LDEV-4751- add main logger support
LDEV-4746- recheck mappings periodically
LDEV-4741- S3 installtion issue with cflog tag
LDEV-4731- Can't cast String [2023-10-21 04:35:13 Etc/GMT] to a value of type [datetime]
LDEV-4728- try to recover from classloading issue
LDEV-4723- ESAPI - OSGi - cannot load "com.google.common.base"
LDEV-3707- URLSessionFormat() function does not work when using JEE/J2EE sessions when a client does not accept cookies
LDEV-4418- lucee 6 single context mode login page throws "No access, password is invalid" error
LDEV-4558- A lighter Lucee light, Lucee zero (no admin or docs)
LDEV-4718- filter out S3 secrets
LDEV-4198- Incompatibility - DateFormat() with mask 'ISO' return different result than ACF
LDEV-3343- remove unsupported old tech, applets, flash, mediaplayer, video (473 KB)
LDEV-4713- re-enable administrator.cfc tests and update with changes for 6
LDEV-1868- Classic Application Context does not Accept Aliases of mailServers
LDEV-438- Allow exceptions to be nested
LDEV-4712- UDF cachedwithin ignore default values
LDEV-4707- S3GeneratePresignedURL differs from cfaws implementation
LDEV-4703- regression: mappings tests with resources failing (s3, ram)
LDEV-4704- add dbinfo filter type validation
LDEV-4623- lucee-light failing with commandbox [/lucee-server/Component.cfc] not found
LDEV-4582- Invalid mappings are ignored by expandpath
LDEV-4079- image exif functions no longer returning all values
LDEV-4701- NullPointerException / race conditions in DataSourceSupport and JavaSettingsImpl
LDEV-4699- update commons-compress to 1.24.0 due to tar related CVE-2023-42503
LDEV-4647- Scheduled tasks suddenly stop working, Connection pool shut down
LDEV-4691- QofQ rounds decimal column type to integer when joining
LDEV-3171- ArrayToStruct: add valueAsKey, use arrayValue as structkey
LDEV-3854- Performance/page spool lock contention
LDEV-4676- SerializeJSON() produces invalid JSON when serializing some CFC instances
LDEV-4480- "." should not be accepted/converted as/to a number
LDEV-4634- NPE with clone headers
LDEV-4669- loglevel is ignored in application log directives
LDEV-3374- add dbinfo type="columns_minimal"
LDEV-3110- allow toggling XML External Entity support for XmlParse, isXml
LDEV-4653- The key [OTHERVERSIONS] does not exist
LDEV-4644- only show admin updates notifications for the same major version
LDEV-3451- Disable XML entities by default against XXE in Lucee 6.0 & 5.4
LDEV-4631- Admin 5.4 is showing false update banner notifications for extensions
LDEV-4645- CHAR type in cfprocparam passes empty string as NULL
LDEV-3542- changelog provider should return results sorted by version
LDEV-4348- add xmlFeatures to getApplicationSettings
LDEV-3889- show changelog on admin update page
LDEV-4640- Lucee server config: errors in logs when server xml missing "update" element
LDEV-4635- s3 ext setStorage() does nothing for directoryCreate
LDEV-4178- Support passthru of storage locations for Directory* functions / CFDIRECTORY
LDEV-4504- add configImport and configTranslate to Lucee 6
LDEV-4087- debug templates are changing the debug log entries
LDEV-4627- Native QoQ exception when column case differs
LDEV-4628- update to zip4j 2.11.5
LDEV-4610- Add requestExclusive param to administrator.updateDatasource()
LDEV-4617- re-enable admin overview update notifications
LDEV-4580- Local scope mode doesn't save in admin interface
LDEV-4597- NPE in pageSourcePool.clearUnused()
LDEV-4616- date parsing regression
LDEV-4615- QoQ: data exception: string data, right truncation ; size limit: 1
LDEV-4613- QoQ Regression - incompatible data type in operation
LDEV-4592- Regression in with QoQ and multiple queries: HSQLDB incompatible data type in operation
LDEV-4607- stackoverflow(s) switching modes
LDEV-4606- unbundle hibernate from standard distribution 6.0
LDEV-4594- QoQ parser doesn't support leading _ or $ for table names
LDEV-4587- java functions throws an error with JRE, needs a JDK
LDEV-4598- regression: duplicated queries share the same AtomicInteger for recordcount
LDEV-4593- Regression with QofQ - $ in column names no longer work
LDEV-4581- query.columnList.listToArray() adds spaces before column names
LDEV-4588- embed the built lucee version in lucee-admin.lar
LDEV-4583- add support for json5 comments to the json and evaluate parser
LDEV-4568- NPE switching modes
LDEV-4575- Incomplete language resource Json files causes the Lucee admin to crash
LDEV-4571- admin resources 404 after switching to single mode
LDEV-4570- Lucee admin shows blank page in
LDEV-4515- sessionCookie settings missing from getApplicationMetadata
LDEV-4566- cfadmin getResourceProviders crashes
LDEV-4478- update hibernate extension dom4j lib due to CVEs
LDEV-4556- string lucee.runtime.exp.NativeException: lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl; local class incompatible:
LDEV-4562- switching between multi and single does not replace the config object
LDEV-3525- Hibernate extension, add support for `autoGenMap=false`
LDEV-4559- When switch from multi mode to single web admin password is used
LDEV-4545- Regression in `precisionEvaluate` between Lucee 5 & 6
LDEV-4200- unhide _internalRequest as internalRequest for 6.0
LDEV-1856- cfhttp charset is not working
LDEV-4550- Upgrading to v5.4.0.65 failed due to Felix installation
LDEV-4549- disable processing requests during upgrade