LDEV-4568- NPE switching modes
LDEV-4575- Incomplete language resource Json files causes the Lucee admin to crash
LDEV-4571- admin resources 404 after switching to single mode
LDEV-4570- Lucee admin shows blank page in
LDEV-4515- sessionCookie settings missing from getApplicationMetadata
LDEV-4566- cfadmin getResourceProviders crashes
LDEV-4478- update hibernate extension dom4j lib due to CVEs
LDEV-4556- string lucee.runtime.exp.NativeException: lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTimeImpl; local class incompatible:
LDEV-4562- switching between multi and single does not replace the config object
LDEV-3525- Hibernate extension, add support for `autoGenMap=false`
LDEV-4559- When switch from multi mode to single web admin password is used
LDEV-4545- Regression in `precisionEvaluate` between Lucee 5 & 6
LDEV-4200- unhide _internalRequest as internalRequest for 6.0
LDEV-1856- cfhttp charset is not working
LDEV-4550- Upgrading to v5.4.0.65 failed due to Felix installation
LDEV-4549- disable processing requests during upgrade
LDEV-1282- Fix === operator to check for type equality, changes to == behaviour
LDEV-4506- don't accept strings of format “m d" as valid dates
LDEV-4469- Regression: Invalid "member is set to final" error on static property when code changes
LDEV-4539- show memory usage as labels on admin overview page
LDEV-4507- regression: Error (java.lang.VerifyError) Message Bad type on operand stack
LDEV-1718- Creating a / mapping causes incorrect path expansions, use lucee mappings first
LDEV-3340- Do not store empty session/client scope to storage
LDEV-4225- improve contextual json deserializing error feedback, Syntax Error, invalid Expression
LDEV-4285- Using named arguments in entityLoad call results in CasterException
LDEV-4295- when a datasource config struct is empty, throw a meaningful exception
LDEV-4150- Length is ignored on "varchar" type properties in ORM entities
LDEV-4017- Hibernate 5.4 extension closes the ORM session when any ORM transaction ends
LDEV-4519- update commons-collections 3.2.1 to 4.4.0 in hibernate 5.4 extension
LDEV-3768- ORMExecuteQuery() with named params throws NPE
LDEV-4342- Lucee 6 Admin Services - update the default cache connection didn't work
LDEV-4532- lucee 5 lucee-web.xml isn't being imported into 6
LDEV-4426- NPE in controller thread
LDEV-4533- Regression - some redis tests fail as they create and then don’t have a cache connection (name, non default, server level)
LDEV-4530- OSGiUtil cannot load a bundle based on a range
LDEV-4404- allow setting singlemode in lucee 5 xml, for importing singlemode from xml, when upgrading to 6
LDEV-4525- mssql can't connect in 5.4, throws the driver couldn't connect - 12.2.0.jre8
LDEV-4462- Lucee 6 - driver could not establish a secure connection error for SQL Server
LDEV-4466- OSGI error with memcached driver extension
LDEV-4526- build: fail when a configured service is not available (service / java )
LDEV-4461- Using named arguments in entityLoadByPK call results in java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
LDEV-4522- Lucee 6 Admin - cache page deleting the cache doesn't work
LDEV-2418- configurable template cache max pagePool size
LDEV-4503- regression: when migrating from 5 to 6, a datasource with an empty password throws an admin error
LDEV-4510- add bufferOuput and supressContent to getApplicationSettings
LDEV-4508- build: allow using custom update provider for tests
LDEV-1526- update HyperSQL 2.7.2 (HSQLDB) for QoQ (CVE)
LDEV-4501- add compact option to serializeJson
LDEV-4411- Lucee 6 Web admin - login with correct password admin overview page throws error
LDEV-3056- Arguments with type of "numeric" are not being cast to double
LDEV-4409- numberformat error on masking
LDEV-4174- Admin- Applications detail Page description details showing the
tags(lucee 6.0)
LDEV-4199- internalRequest ignores method
LDEV-3448- Change session cookie defaults to be secure in Lucee 6 (samesite=lax, httponly=true)
LDEV-3765- Replace via a struct inserts gibberish when struct keys not found in text
LDEV-4402- Admin - SSL Certificates page shows an error message twice
LDEV-4171- Admin - Application detail Page the Extension category show Twice (lucee 6.0)
LDEV-4201- Incompatibility - cffile action=upload attemptedserverfile key returns a different result than ACF
LDEV-4449- BigDecimal Invalid operation error with pow() / exponent
LDEV-4502- add jsonLayout log appender
LDEV-4497- update bundled cacerts to jdk-
LDEV-4442- cfimap support for flags-related columns
LDEV-4115- cfImap query missing columns
LDEV-4496- Lucee 6 & 5.4 Admin - Mapping physical path didn't showing properly on export page & mapping page
LDEV-4011- CFHTTP add more detail to exception for throwOnError=true
LDEV-4493- `priority` not implemented on `
LDEV-3257- cf_client_data and cf_session_data tables need an index on expires col
LDEV-4248- improve exception when creating an index on cf_session_data fails
LDEV-4120- remove old stax and css2 jars
LDEV-3820- update ant build scripts to support java 15 which doesn't bundle a javascript scriptx engine
LDEV-4490- Encrypted password didn't showing properly - Admin - Export page
LDEV-4489- Lucee 6 Admin Settings - Export page copy to clipboard option not working
LDEV-4486- Lucee 6 Admin - Export page cache connections custom data didn't showing properly
LDEV-4392- Lucee parses empty WDDX differently than Adobe
LDEV-4477- remove xmpcore from lucee core
LDEV-4452- migrate build to use Maven Artifact Resolver Ant Tasks instead of Maven Ant Tasks
LDEV-4471- update mysql to 8.0.33
LDEV-4470- update postgres jdbc to 42.6.0
LDEV-4332- FileWriteLine uses wrong line seperator on windows
LDEV-3958- Low-level implementation of arraySlice() is very-slow at large-scale.
LDEV-3956- listprepend() with empty string as delimiter incompatibility - ACF
LDEV-3949- listAppend/prepend argument includeEmptyFields doesn't works with empty list
LDEV-3789- datetime.diff() doesn't works with named Arguments
LDEV-3396- Add function GetHttpRequestHeaders()
LDEV-4175- CFHTTP add a error=true/false to the result (same as throwOnError)
LDEV-4393- directoryList() - UDF filter arguments incompatibility with ACF
LDEV-4353- trim [path] in file does not exist exception for toResourceExisting to max 255 chars
LDEV-1247- Pass type to directorylist and cfdirectory filter closure
LDEV-4410- stop queryparam casting empty string values to null, except for varchar
LDEV-4386- update to jna 5.13.0
LDEV-3803- There are no options to set a datasource liveTimeout setting (which is Connection timeout in admin datasource UI) using AdminAPI
LDEV-3607- Lucee Admin Overview "Web context": Replace text input fields w/o edit functionality with text (Webroot & Configuration file)
LDEV-3573- WDDX doesn't escape single ticks in struct keys creating invalid XML
LDEV-3519- Admin - Debugging template checkbox only works for first template
LDEV-3401- add a line number to cftimer debug logging
LDEV-4125- inline and sub components
LDEV-2865- cfdump hide and show doesn't work with query
LDEV-4440- expose mapping listenerType and ListenerMode in admin
LDEV-4237- Regression - this.blockedextforfileupload doesn't works for the file upload
LDEV-4428- cfheader & cfparam tag with end tag throws error
LDEV-4431- Admin -> Archives & Resources - CFX tags issue
LDEV-3347- event gateways missing in lucee 6 single context mode
LDEV-3869- update commons-compress to 1.23
LDEV-3870- update commons-io to 2.11
LDEV-3447- update apache commons.net to 3.9 (from 3.3)
LDEV-4306- SetLocale(“English (UK)") does not set United Kingdom locale.
LDEV-4433- Admin > Edit datasource name doesn't work in lucee 6
LDEV-4447- Lucee 6 - Bundle(jar) page always show a tooltip for edit
LDEV-4446- Support native rand() and rand( seed ) in QoQ
LDEV-4445- RAND() in query of queries fails
LDEV-4448- Cannot cast String [352.] to a value of type [numeric]
LDEV-4229- QueryParam missing exception should include the SQL
LDEV-4387- Arraynew() with type="date" throws NPE error
LDEV-4238- blockedExtensions arguments doesn't works in fileUpload/fileUploadAll
LDEV-3936- add a clear cache button to the edit cache page in the admin
LDEV-4438- Lucee 6 Admin- Event Gateway didn't throw error with using invalid component
LDEV-4299- switch to jsch fork (mwiede/jsch)
LDEV-4385- update to log4j 2.20.0
LDEV-4432- admin & docs mapping lex typo with listenermode and listenertype
LDEV-4412- Lucee Admin - Logging delete option didn't work
LDEV-4415- key [SINGLEMODE] doesn't exist in the request scope when updating from 5.x to 6.x
LDEV-4421- Lucee 6 adds new component metadata with null values
LDEV-4422- Admin -> Services Cache -> Edit Memcached cache throws error
LDEV-4423- Lucee 6 breaks structDelete() with indicateNotExisting: true
LDEV-4430- mapping archive not updated
LDEV-4399- Lucee 6 admin - Language/Compiler page throws error
LDEV-4405- Regression? Log42j locks causing long running requests
LDEV-4417- udf metadata show lambda info
LDEV-3429- crash in JavaCCompiler with jre1.8.0_281
LDEV-4282- source file which throws invalid bytecode error no longer detects any further changes
LDEV-3461- NPE stopping an Event Gateway
LDEV-4315- NPE at lucee.runtime.config.ConfigWebFactory._loadCache(ConfigWebFactory.java:2343)
LDEV-4390- Admin: editing a cache throws exception instead of showing error
LDEV-1973- DeserializeJSON - numbers with lots of trailing zeroes casting to string
LDEV-4394- avoid parsing queryparams in commented out sql
LDEV-4367- Add Lucee Admin Language Editor Tool for rapid adding language resource files of the administrator
LDEV-3254- script-queries (queryExecute) throws a syntax error if a SQL comment contains an apostrophe / single-quote
LDEV-2754- Query Params are not Resolved When Comment has Apostrophe
LDEV-1740- SQL Comment is disabling further parameters
LDEV-4298- Improve QoQ performance for large results
LDEV-4384- Lucee 6.0 build needs to download org.lucee.commons.logging
LDEV-4381- admin: "column name [otherVersions] already exist;lucee.runtime.exp.DatabaseException: column name [otherVersions] already exist
LDEV-4379- build: if a testcase won't compile, manually sniff and check for skip=true or throw
LDEV-4368- Improve placeholder handling for config
LDEV-4363- CFParam treats a default value of "NULL" as a null value
LDEV-3678- CFHTTP result is missing charset
LDEV-2900- adding to cookie scope doesn't inherit application cfcookie tag defaults
LDEV-4345- CreateUniqueID() should allow for an arg globallyUnique
LDEV-4144- NPE lucee.runtime.exp.PageExceptionImpl.addContext(PageExceptionImpl.java:396)
LDEV-4310- GetApplicationSettings() is missing regex config
LDEV-4333- add getApplicationSettings( onlySupported=boolean )
LDEV-3616- NPE with CallStackGet
LDEV-4324- build: allow optionally supporting alternate test base specs, i.e "testbox.system.BaseSpec"
LDEV-4051- update mysql to 8.0.30
LDEV-4102- LUCEE_ENABLE_WARMUP doesn't work with 6 due to single context
LDEV-4247- cfpop/cfimap doesn't supports delimiter attribute
LDEV-4196- ParseDateTime() with the format ISO return the wrong result
LDEV-4309- add a random sort order for tests, -DtestRandomSort="true|false|randomizeSeed"
LDEV-4284- Update apache tika to 1.28.4
LDEV-4272- add trace logging for cfabort
LDEV-2395- FileGetMimeType() - doesn't throw an error when the file does not exist or is empty
LDEV-3249- QueryToStruct
LDEV-4044- QoQ with a named parameter passed without params doesn't throw
LDEV-3878- QoQ shouldn't fall back to HSQLDB after queryparam error
LDEV-3809- (java.lang.VerifyError) Message Expecting a stackmap frame at branch target 4253
LDEV-4278- lsDayOfWeek / lsWeek always returns the same result for all locales
LDEV-4205- update ehcache to
LDEV-3279- EHCache RMI distribution broken with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException since v5.3.5
LDEV-4271- typed ArrayNew argument names not consistent with ACF and implementation inconsistent
LDEV-4221- .cfconfig fails to import custom-tag and component mappings
LDEV-4260- access graph.cfm with invalid query string throws file not exist error
LDEV-4262- unsupported charset in HTTP response
LDEV-4261- build must always display Caused by: sections of java stacktraces
LDEV-4039- CFMail splitting long HTML lines into multiple lines breaking the HTML
LDEV-3917- _internalRequest() result missing Content-Type and Content-Length
LDEV-4217- Add thread name to thread's debugging logs
LDEV-4216- thread debug logs total time is always zero
LDEV-4252- list failed tests on github action run summary page (use $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY)
LDEV-3088- Admin registered mail server incorrectly overrides application defined mail server
LDEV-3070- cfdump doesn't show datasource for query
LDEV-4219- add charset, failto, replyto details to Mail listener arguments
LDEV-3328- invalid path access on windows
LDEV-4028- add greenmail to build for smtp tests including tls/ssl support
LDEV-4232- Incompatibility - fileUpload/fileUploadAll doesn't support strict argument
LDEV-3265- remove old ldap jars, now built into the JRE (203 KB)
LDEV-4110- update provider http calls should not have timeouts of -1
LDEV-2131- ParseDateTime, add predefined mask shortcut for javascript style ISO date strings (with ms)
LDEV-4147- Deleting IMAP message via UID is very slow with large inbox
LDEV-4227- cfimap action="listallfolders" throws an error
LDEV-4242- cfhttp trace logging doesn't log connection failures
LDEV-4223- getApplicationSettings and getApplicationMetadata return application instead of cfml for sessionType
LDEV-3280- debugging logs missing - lucee6 admin singlemode
LDEV-4218- Add Parameter Alias "mimeType" for "accept" in fileUpload
LDEV-4215- cftimeout testcase failed due to incorrect Exception
LDEV-4052- Regression - lucee 6.0 ignores application.cfc syntax errors
LDEV-4239- sax parser concurrency issue when loading function and tag library definitions (tld,fld)
LDEV-3033- updating the image extension throws errors until Lucee is restarted
LDEV-4212- static scope does no reset when extended Component changes
LDEV-4187- compiled bytecode references hardwired extension version
LDEV-3903- static.variable of the component only loads on creating an object to the component
LDEV-4193- add possibility to define bootdelegation via system property
LDEV-4179- add broad test set of support for various image formats
LDEV-4169- Possibe deadlock with PhysicalClassLoader
LDEV-4162- NPE in CFMLFactoryImpl.getPageContextImpl
LDEV-4043- Regression - updating lucee failed to deploy the cfc files to the context directory if those files are exists
LDEV-4158- IOException occurs when search for propriate codecs.
LDEV-4004- Regression - For in loop inside the queryEach callback are not thread safe
LDEV-2531- use a consistent format for execution times in classic template
LDEV-4128- the log pooling for cflog isn't async aware per call and async is slower than normal
LDEV-4135- NPE lucee.runtime.net.http.ReqRspUtil.getCookies(ReqRspUtil.java:144)
LDEV-4024- listrest member function with offset argument throws an error
LDEV-3690- Using java regex engine incompatibility issue
LDEV-3533- REFind/NoCase(returnsubexpressions=true) doesn't return subexpressions when regex engine set to Java.
LDEV-4101- Encrypt issue using Base64, invalid character [=] in base64 string at position
LDEV-3268- css issue - settings/proxy on admin in lucee 6
LDEV-4123- allowing reducing the priority of concurrent requests
LDEV-3670- Object metadata does not indicate that the CFC is final
LDEV-566- isValid() method should support all is..() methods
LDEV-2309- Cfschedule list returns wrong urls
LDEV-3560- getComponentMetadata("MyAbstractClass") does not indicate it is abstract
LDEV-4117- add ldap service to build
LDEV-4108- include parent bundle name in exception when a bundle can't be downloaded
LDEV-2925- Scheduled Tasks not passing Authorization header
LDEV-3618- cfhtmlhead ignores body content with text attribute
LDEV-3714- invoke function doesn't support same scope calls
LDEV-3224- Admin area : Edit Web charset in Settings - Charset and default value
LDEV-4111- reduce log level to DEBUG for deploy.log for fld, tlds, etc, default deploy.log to INFO
LDEV-3599- add function ExtensionInfo()
LDEV-2936- Can't cast Object type [XML] to a value of type [org.w3c.dom.element] using xml.elemNew
LDEV-3651- IsFileObject() function missing in Lucee
LDEV-3581- Query.addRow not compatible with ColdFusion
LDEV-3258- Negative index array - Array index [-6] out of range, array size is [6]
LDEV-3272- Lucee admin - Edit datasource throws an error
LDEV-3556- Using hash() and toBase64() member function with struct and array throws incorrect error.
LDEV-4050- cfpop and cfimap ignore specfied ports, defaults back to standard ports
LDEV-3418- Add CFHTTP Connection pooling cleanup to background Controller thread
LDEV-3380- allow debug logging from threads (child page contexts)
LDEV-2199- CFHTTP Connection pooling added in LDEV-1000 does not work
LDEV-4078- update slf4j to 1.7.36 (from 1.17.12)
LDEV-4059- Admin - cache page deleting the cache doesn't work (lucee 6)
LDEV-2737- CFSilent is not default bufferoutput=true and missing abort triger documentation
LDEV-3548- CFPOP fails to populate cfpop variables with multiparts of Content-Type: message/rfc822 (attachments)
LDEV-3449- Schedule task action=delete throws write access is protected error
LDEV-3383- improve error message - member functions
LDEV-2416- move existing keys information to exception detail instead of message
LDEV-4066- CFTIMER add support for console, aka systemOutput
LDEV-4072- remove old extensions from default install (chart,lucene,form,ajax,axis) (saves 10.4MB)
LDEV-4060- update felix to 7.0.5
LDEV-4015- Tomcat9 warns about Illegal reflective access on startup
LDEV-2300- "WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred" on startup
LDEV-4076- some testbox errors aren't being reported with stacktraces
LDEV-4074- Tag cftimeout
LDEV-3710- Controler thread doesn't log all failures
LDEV-3719- CFThread "ElapsedTime" continues to go up after thread has finished executing.
LDEV-4065- lucee 6.0 build looking wrong /test directory for testcase
LDEV-4064- createObject reloads all OSGI bundles if javaSettings are configured
LDEV-4057- updating a scheduled task doesn't remove the username & password keys from the cfconfig.json file
LDEV-2999- add custom userAgent to cfschedule
LDEV-4058- Admin - debugging & mapping edit page throws key doesn't exist error (lucee 6.0)
LDEV-3584- getComponentMetadata with final component throws an error
LDEV-4006- Regression - isJson() throws java.lang.NumberFormatException
LDEV-4034- Regression - application log datasource appender throws 500 – Internal Server Error on lucee restart
LDEV-4053- 6.0 build failing on upload to s3 step
LDEV-4030- internalRequest not parsing set-cookie headers
LDEV-4046- Server.cfc/Web.cfc calls Application.cfc
LDEV-4035- Log4j2 resets log level to ERROR
LDEV-4033- regression - changing logging appender not working without lucee restart
LDEV-4032- Lucee seems to ignore logger config attribute appender="console"
LDEV-4022- 5.3.9 stops logging while in a docker container
LDEV-4018- remove dependency on compress and esapi for the build test cases
LDEV-3821- Server Admin Settings - Logging page didn't show edit option
LDEV-3263- remove old java concurrent support (289 KB)
LDEV-4013- require all labels to match when filtering by tests by labels
LDEV-421- Getting the properties of a component with getMetaData() returns them in the wrong order.
LDEV-4000- Scheduled Tasks require a minimum interval of 10 for no reason
LDEV-2468- new HTTP(). Send bug. Attribute url is required but missing
LDEV-1860- CFLDAP Timeout Attribute is not respected properly
LDEV-417- Maxrows is not respected when using cfquery or queryExecute() with cachedwithin
LDEV-4106- Lucee 6.0 with Apache pool2 fails with "Object has already been returned to pool"
LDEV-3980- jdbc commit issues using transactions and hibernate
LDEV-1991- Upgrade Hibernate Extension to Latest version (5)
LDEV-3979- Regression: Custom cookie parsing now used over servlet's cookies
LDEV-1513- Dumping getComponentStaticScope() of component with remote static function causes java.lang.NullPointerException
LDEV-3975- ESAPI functions result in "CTOR threw exception" error with extension
LDEV-3978- regression: Cflog stops writing to files
LDEV-3028- "The servlet context has already been initialized" error in Application.log of Undertow deployments
LDEV-3747- String member functions assume list instead of char array like Adobe
LDEV-3338- whitespace in component attribute "implements" cause incorrect return when using getMetaData/getComponentMetaData
LDEV-3916- update 6.0 to not use removed GetConfigSettings BIF for checking single context mode
LDEV-3868- PDF orientation test failing due to changed java api in PDFBOX 3.0x
LDEV-3866- zip action=list filter UDF is a passed a completely invalid entryPath
LDEV-2660- CFZIP action="unzip" overwrite="true" deletes existing directories.
LDEV-3851- build process should use an older loader jar to expose problems
LDEV-3775- SMTPClient incorrectly putting stack trace into the message of a MailException it raises
LDEV-3355- internal calls to the update provider need (shorter) timeouts
LDEV-3294- add a DirectoryInfo(dir) function, like FileInfo
LDEV-2134- Lucee startup takes 15 minutes to become available
LDEV-3783- create function markdownToHTML
LDEV-3737- Numeric.numberFormat method has not been implemented
LDEV-3545- Multipart http response doesn't handle quoted boundary
LDEV-3755- lucee 6 admin - Deleting Extension Providers doesn't work
LDEV-3716- _internalRequest() losses the form scope with sameFormFieldsAsArray=true
LDEV-3702- Closed task thread IDs are reused after Lucee restart (and should not be)
LDEV-3617- _internalRequest should support passing in a query string
LDEV-3703- reMatchNoCase() regex regression in 5.3.8
LDEV-3770- Improve error message for queryInsertAt() using value as struct
LDEV-3763- arraySlice()/querySlice() with offset 0 throws StackOverflowError
LDEV-3695- admin application - Uninstall the extension ESAPI/Compress Tags doesn't available in not installed
LDEV-3362- getComponentMetaData omits static methods and properties
LDEV-2813- Lucee git extension isn't available via admin
LDEV-332- Allow string member functions to work on numeric values (like their non member equivalents)
LDEV-3413- deserializeJSON an empty string dont throw error
LDEV-3661- deserializeJSON() converts large decimals to string
LDEV-1925- Postgresql returning java class (not string) for uuids in query results
LDEV-3764- Lucee 6.0 admin Plugins - Note page error
LDEV-2516- OSGI logging bundles added from this.javaSettings on every request to application.log
LDEV-3253- listLen() with "includeEmptyFields" argument is 0 for empty string
LDEV-3757- cfexecute no-longer requires a closing tag in ColdFusion. Shouldn't need one in Lucee either
LDEV-2729- replaceList() doesn't handle optional args the same as Adobe CF
LDEV-3333- Circular references cause StackOverflowError
LDEV-1445- connectionLimit is not set to default (-1) via AdminAPI
LDEV-2044- Diff member function for dateDiff incompatible with ACF
LDEV-2642- isValid('integer', 'Yes') returns true
LDEV-3154- StringSome
LDEV-386- Implement iteration/collection methods for strings
LDEV-3178- StringMap
LDEV-3179- StringFilter
LDEV-3180- StringEvery
LDEV-3181- StringEach
LDEV-3496- java.lang.VerifyError when using "local?.value" in if-condition.
LDEV-3412- Add warm up test to build process
LDEV-3034- binaryDecode() and toBinary() are decoding invalid base64 date
LDEV-401- Query.isEmpty() returns false when Query has no rows but has defined columns
LDEV-442- Array function to remove duplicates - ArrayRemoveDuplicates
LDEV-3753- Error - When view the pages Language/Compiler, Scope, Component in WEB Admin
LDEV-3742- cfcontent delivers wrong content-type
LDEV-3732- Incorrect argument count requirements in error message on method call
LDEV-3728- include the redirected urls in result for cfhttp redirect="true"
LDEV-3749- NullPointerException - Using gettempfile() with named params
LDEV-3748- Admin - restart dosen't works in lucee 6
LDEV-3729- Long Bigint values are not handled correctly
LDEV-3598- Character is not considered simple according to isSimpleValue()
LDEV-4070- lucee 6.0 - large number values (without floating points) handled as the wrong value
LDEV-3720- Log trace of cflocation and allow option to Abort
LDEV-3647- Closures mess up with the UDF function
LDEV-3636- regression: variable [BUILD_CFG] doesn't exist
LDEV-4146- add function isWithinTransaction
LDEV-3606- extensions are sorted into type based only the latest release from the provider
LDEV-3531- NPE lucee.runtime.config.ConfigImpl.getApplicationPageSource
LDEV-3579- onMissingKey listener for struct
LDEV-3568- Better JDBC extension config for tests
LDEV-3241- prevent external downloads (bundles, extensions) during build tests
LDEV-3541- test sort order on linux is random compared to windows
LDEV-3270- getFileInfo is missing created date
LDEV-2872- cffile: inconsistent behavior of the attribute nameConflict with "makeunique" value
LDEV-1206- When adding row to query as struct of column keys, arrays are handled wrong
LDEV-2915- struct.delete() should return the struct
LDEV-2883- Add support for the Argon2 hashing algorithm
LDEV-3364- cffile action read without file attribute throws a NPE.
LDEV-3419- add CFTIMER variable="local.timer"
LDEV-3250- CFTIMER add support for units (nano,milli,micro,second)
LDEV-3511- query returnType : 'array' should use ordered structs
LDEV-3510- query.each() rows should use an ordered struct
LDEV-3494- a test case is changing the lucee system time
LDEV-3493- cfinvoke throws NPE without method attribute
LDEV-3480- String.toBase64 member function missing
LDEV-1297- String.hash() method missing
LDEV-3469- updateDatasource should also support passing in a custom attributes struct
LDEV-3446- GetTagList and GetFunctionList should return ordered structs
LDEV-3153- StringSort
LDEV-3468- Issue with admin extension installing
LDEV-3424- FileAppend does not support file object
LDEV-3165- debugging should log uncaught exceptions too!
LDEV-2695- admin assumes the local documentation extension is installed
LDEV-1776- Use NIO WatchService for DirectorWatcher
LDEV-3345- remove old ajax extension files from lucee core
LDEV-3456- add response http statusCode and contentType to debugging logs
LDEV-3453- DirectoryRename should return the new path, not void
LDEV-3342- stackoverflow with getConfigServer()
LDEV-3234- remove duplicated context files in source
LDEV-3239- cfhttp doesn't support TLSv1.3
LDEV-3439- if admin password is "", you can't import a password.txt file
LDEV-3430- ORMExecuteQuery() with named argument throws error
LDEV-3428- optimise member function access
LDEV-2864- Password.txt File Will Not Import
LDEV-3436- enable debug page parts support
LDEV-3437- cflocation change addToken to default to false for Lucee 6
LDEV-3433- Admin application page, shows error message multi times
LDEV-3244- member function with too many arguments throws incorrect Error
LDEV-3238- argument exception error is missing a file and line number
LDEV-2439- add an epoch dateTimeFormat mask
LDEV-2071- CacheKeyExists mix of named / unnamed arguments throw lucee.transformer.bytecode.expression.var
LDEV-3385- if the debugging minimal execution time hides all templates, show them all
LDEV-3145- Admin debugging logs throws an error- switching the templates
LDEV-2368- show the total number of implicit scope problems on the admin debug log list
LDEV-3285- cfzip, entry path ignored on windows, uses host OS delimiter on windows
LDEV-3231- Admin mailserver update doesn't work properly
LDEV-3191- Improve error message - directoryDelete(dir)
LDEV-678- Double spaces in filename combined to one in cfdirectory name attribute
LDEV-2331- allow specifying a file extension for getTempFile
LDEV-2281- cfinput unimplemented attributes need to be flagged
LDEV-2812- error parsing large json object dumps out entire json string as exception message
LDEV-2797- extensions, clicking install with selecting a version, shows please wait
LDEV-2752- key [STRBASECOMPONENTTEMPLATE] doesn't exist in admin action=server.general
LDEV-2726- Error - When view the 'Debugging - Settings' in WEB Admin
LDEV-2637- QueryNew does not ignore leading or trailing spaces in columns names
LDEV-2633- Admin UI issue
LDEV-3226- html error from extension provider loaded directly into admin
LDEV-2887- There is no datasource with name [Datasource] when using '#' in datasource name
LDEV-2816- can't delete a rest mapping
LDEV-2361- can't configure a mapping to archive with primary as archive via the admin
LDEV-3400- log native QoQ SQL errors as a debug exception
LDEV-3382- debugging isn't reading cgi scope from the debug logs
LDEV-917- Remove packaged cacerts file, use jvm cacerts by default
LDEV-3404- SSLCertificateInstall() doesn't throw underlying exception for error "Could not obtain server certificate chain"
LDEV-3403- GetTagData("cf","admin"); returns no attributes
LDEV-3360- Lucee6 admin css issue in multimode
LDEV-3350- Admin extension update notification not shown
LDEV-3121- improve extensions page
LDEV-2692- scheduled tasks list in admin doesn't show the start time for daily, weekly or monthly tasks
LDEV-3389- add auto deployLco option to build
LDEV-3378- dbinfo type="tables" add a filter for TABLE_TYPE
LDEV-3374- add dbinfo type="columns_minimal"
LDEV-3373- allow table wildcards for dbinfo type="columns"
LDEV-3352- apache commons logging locked
LDEV-3266- cflog doesn't write application name to log
LDEV-3242- NPE customtag and server.cache in admin (listCTCache)
LDEV-3275- IsNumeric returns True on strings like "3d" and "6f" (5.3.8 regression!)
LDEV-3221- Regression: Closure in static method calling another static method causes request to hang when run in parallel
LDEV-3334- static function cannot be used with dot notation
LDEV-3198- error message with a member function without args is missing the function name
LDEV-3330- use apache commons pool2 for pooling datasources
LDEV-3288- Unnecessary getApplicationPageSource() file system access on every request adds overhead
LDEV-3192- cfdirectory action=create with attribute nameconflict=skip doesn't work
LDEV-2877- randomize filenames for file uploads
LDEV-2716- Issue with Extension - Applications in Admin
LDEV-2459- show lucee loader version on overview page
LDEV-3267- CSS issue between graphs on Admin-homepage
LDEV-3252- attribute names are missing case as properties for getTagData
LDEV-3208- queryRenameColumn()
LDEV-3177- /lucee/graph.cfm doesn't need and shouldn't set session cookies
LDEV-3117- cfexecute directory="#GetTempDirectory()#" throws error
LDEV-3193- Admin panel, "Implicit variable Access" alerting.
LDEV-2495- ACF 2018 Update 5 compat (new functions)
LDEV-642- missing Array Splice function
LDEV-3018- File uploads doesn't support allowedExtensions or strict="false"
LDEV-2414- fileUpload() not compatible with ACF
LDEV-2078- auto convert component to java class
LDEV-2076- keep application context with Env UDF
LDEV-2075- support for Java Lambda
LDEV-4905- Lucee's class loader causing locking issues
LDEV-4879- Add LTS banner to 5.4 overview page
LDEV-4847- Unnecessary Runtime.exec call in getMode