LDEV-842- dateFormat() does not work as a member function in Lucee 5
LDEV-841- Breaks Lucee Upon Trying to Update
LDEV-826- createDynamicProxy() won't find interfaces from jars in the lib folder
LDEV-827- cfdocument throws java.lang.NoSuchMethodException when used
LDEV-840- webservice complex object invalid case
LDEV-834- CollectionMap Causes a Threadleak when parallel=true
LDEV-835- Static scope corruption caused by inheritance
LDEV-828- WAR file is missing DTD files from Source
LDEV-820- Locale toString() Compatibility
LDEV-823- Adding datasource with class "com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver" results in lucee.commons.lang.ClassException error
LDEV-812- Writelog/cflog's file is not unique per web context
LDEV-821- add support for sftp to tag cfftp
LDEV-814- cfadmin action="stopThread" does not work
LDEV-818- queryAddColumn does not accept a type argument
LDEV-32- Incompat with val()
LDEV-775- Bug with fileExists() with an Application mapping of /
LDEV-637- cfstoredproc fails when calling a procedure with parameters on Oracle with a specified schema
LDEV-413- Oracle JDBC Not working properly with cfstoredproc and cfprocresult
LDEV-813- Database driver not showing in admin
LDEV-804- Oracle option not available when creating a new data source, can't create JDBC connection either
LDEV-807- Change "notinstalled" to "not active" on bundles screen in admin
LDEV-806- move EHCache to an Extension
LDEV-604- createObject java types - 'cannot load class through its string name'
LDEV-798- In Lucee admin, the link to a detail page for an OSGi bundle does not work when multiple versions are installed
LDEV-793- Fix compatibility - HTML 5 multiple file upload
LDEV-780- getLocale() returns incorrect string when used as a string
LDEV-785- Infinite loop on insert queries if Statement always returns a positive update count
LDEV-787- Transfer ORM fails during init() of transfer.TransferFactory
LDEV-788- Cannot access Lucee 5 admin panel
LDEV-789- Web Service CFC soap XML
LDEV-688- LDEV-488 Fix Re-Introduces LDEV-78 Bug
LDEV-490- Regression - "ORM not enabled" error when ORM attributes are used
LDEV-778- CSV parser used with cfhttp fails with NL at the end
LDEV-774- JEE session looses data on onsessionEnd call
LDEV-757- Returning * invalid syntax on SELECT statements with Postgres
LDEV-768- make sure extension install is failsafe
LDEV-767- admin context update info not working
LDEV-765- default value can break compiler
LDEV-759- cfdocument format="pdf" not working at all
LDEV-762- Lucene 5.2.1 initialization failed
LDEV-761- CR line breaks when using
on csv files
LDEV-342- cfmail errors when you add a charset.
LDEV-749- support for versioning with "required-extension"
LDEV-747- UTF-8 is not UTF-8
LDEV-746- datasource clear method has invalid validation
LDEV-613- ORM NullPointerException caused by in latest stable release
LDEV-723- ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.hql.ast.HqlToken When performing HQL query
LDEV-722- ORM Module - dbcreate update and dropcreate do not create entity tables
LDEV-719- missing name declaration for property
LDEV-718- XMLParse fails when xerces is in system classLoader
LDEV-714- onSessionEnd creates WEB-INF/lucee/output/onSessionEnd.out
LDEV-575- Create a new function: isInThread() to allow for checking if you are in a thread or not
LDEV-543- Default database name when creating a datasource in admin
LDEV-657- Adapt LDEV-458 for Lucee 5
LDEV-658- Adapt LDEV-224 for Lucee 5
LDEV-625- JAR files class not found exception for custom functions
LDEV-696- cfdump eval throws wrong error when evaluation failed
LDEV-622- Cannot use a Map as a struct with null value
LDEV-655- including a non standard cfm file (eg. .txt) throws an error
LDEV-664- CFC singleton thread error
LDEV-684- CFARGUMENT Can't cast String [] to a boolean
LDEV-692- getApplicationSettings() does not return expected results
LDEV-707- cfloop condition - lucee.transformer.cfml.evaluator.EvaluatorException
LDEV-702- PostgreSQL Driver Queries Fail in : createclob() not yet implemented
LDEV-706- add support for "release-type"
LDEV-676- DirectoryExists() fails on S3 resource
LDEV-705- web admin should show server admin extensions
LDEV-249- change lambda syntax from -> to =>
LDEV-654- fileExists() fails on paths starting with s3://
LDEV-683- reorganize xml handling
LDEV-675- cfmailpart charset error
LDEV-671- QueryExecute right context
LDEV-668- Move cfchart to an extension
LDEV-634- causes mail to not be sent
LDEV-609- Could not initialize class javax.media.jai.JAI
LDEV-607- Could not initialize class org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart
LDEV-650- share application context with modern and classic listener fails
LDEV-631- YesNoFormat() empty string response
LDEV-647- update an extension does not uninstall previous version
LDEV-645- extension update need restart to reconize function lib change
LDEV-635- allow to update lucee by copy a .lco file to the deploy folder
LDEV-627- Sending an email fails silently with
LDEV-620- enlargeCapacity blocks the system
LDEV-619- remove S3 from the core
LDEV-617- merge lucee.jar and felix.jar
LDEV-608- server.lucee.state missing in Velvet
LDEV-255- Inability to refer to static members dynamically
LDEV-624- move deploy directory upwards
LDEV-610- move pdf to an extension
LDEV-602- BodyTag loaded by bundle fail
LDEV-593- add extension Admin/Doc to loader
LDEV-592- add support for "required-extensions"
LDEV-589- add possibility to bundle dependencies with the lucee.jar
LDEV-587- remove flex from the core
LDEV-581- add function InternalRequest (hidden)
LDEV-569- SSLCertificateInstall fails with some hosts
LDEV-567- add canonicalize to encodeFor... functions
LDEV-554- Stack overflow creating object instance while in the static constructor
LDEV-565- improve MissingIncludeException
LDEV-564- Support "grey" as color name
LDEV-561- allow to use bundles with createObject
LDEV-256- Implement GeneratePBKDFKey
LDEV-411- Debugging displays wrong execution times in specific cases
LDEV-559- disable Lucee dialect
LDEV-469- Implement CFHTTP clientCert/ClientCertPassword compatible with ACF
LDEV-558- extension takes a minute to install after startup
LDEV-262- cannot restart Lucee
LDEV-557- life and idle timeout for mail server
LDEV-335- Latest WAR doesn't seem to work in at least some situations
LDEV-270- Static constructor inappropriately suppresses output
LDEV-343- Sending an email fails silently
LDEV-267- writeLog() broken in Lucee 5
LDEV-541- maven state is not handled the right way
LDEV-537- change the update provider types
LDEV-367- Compilation glitch with []
LDEV-284- Incorrect terminology in error message
LDEV-281- "you cannot instantiate the abstract component"
LDEV-273- Unexpected scope lookup with VARIABLES and ARGUMENTS name conflict
LDEV-540- fix "FUTURE" marks in loader
LDEV-539- cfhttp fails when passing a ram resource
LDEV-244- Comments at end of component error
LDEV-525- Session type alway in "Application" option even after change
LDEV-533- silent tag does not work in script
LDEV-529- LinkageError in Axis Server
LDEV-527- Add download path to Lucee 5 jar loading message
LDEV-523- cfhttp fails
LDEV-519- Locale differences between Lucee 4.5 and 5
LDEV-515- getComponentMetaData throws lucee.runtime.CIPage.getComponentName()Ljava/lang/String;
LDEV-415- The key [WHEELS] does not exist, only the following keys are available: [applicationname].
LDEV-511- coldbox fails with Lucee 5
LDEV-509- datasource storage clean open new connection
LDEV-504- controller thread can get blocked
LDEV-503- Lucee fails to read cookie
LDEV-502- JavaInterface.getClass() Throws Error
LDEV-501- PostgreSQL Driver Queries Fail in
LDEV-492- XML objects don't cast to string properly
LDEV-432- Better ORM Errors, Include SQL statement
LDEV-370- cfscript Query doesn't play well with oracle parameters
LDEV-340- SpoolerEngineImpl$SimpleThread can get in an endless loop
LDEV-485- cfhttp (with updated library) timeout issue
LDEV-480- validate connections in the datasource connection pool
LDEV-479- improve default query timeout
LDEV-476- built in function names reserved in cfinterface
LDEV-475- fileSetLastModified() Fails Silently on Non-Existent File
LDEV-472- Queries called from event gateways break due to invalid request timeout
LDEV-470- Graylog does not work with Lucee
LDEV-457- HTMLEditFormat handling of carriage returns
LDEV-364- queryParam null=true doesn't work for QueryExecute
LDEV-24- queryExecute does not support passing arguments scope as param structure
LDEV-463- reduce size of of udf properties (getter/setter/ ...)
LDEV-436- openJDK 8 no longer supports Thread.stop(Throwable)
LDEV-435- timeout attribute does not support Timespan
LDEV-431- 3th party log4j appender are failing
LDEV-430- logging for datasources
LDEV-429- Unable to access Youtube API using SSL
LDEV-372- make CGI Scope writable
LDEV-363- JSR223 fails with NPE using functions
LDEV-354- IsEmpty(0) returns true
LDEV-353- NPE when using a struct as an exception
LDEV-348- Invalid Cookie name causes stacktrace and can bring down lucee/tomcat
LDEV-292- CFHTTP fails over SSL with SNI
LDEV-83- 5.x proposal: Class syntax
LDEV-47- Support for (element in list)
LDEV-338- declared inline datasource does not work with ORM
LDEV-327- add frontend for request Queue
LDEV-320- Lucee should error when failing to sort a Java array
LDEV-306- FLD definition with bundle info are failing, if the bundle is not loaded
LDEV-290- Loading classes the classic way fails
LDEV-2- QueryExecute generates wrong entries in the debug information
LDEV-302- onCFCRequest/onRequest is chosen based on extension
LDEV-300- Static constructor incorrectly triggered
LDEV-288- syntax error in component.lucee
LDEV-287- Listener mode modern invokes Application.cfm files
LDEV-286- duplicate check in duplication get not cleaned
LDEV-276- javaProxy() (and webserviceProxy()) poorly named
LDEV-275- Possible incorrect OO terminology usage
LDEV-274- Typo "you cannot extend the final component "
LDEV-269- Static constructor not supported in tag-based CFCs
LDEV-264- Remoting nullPointerException for ALL errors thrown
LDEV-260- rest service fails when listener mode is set to modern
LDEV-254- Abstract components don't work
LDEV-253- Static is ignored in interfaces
LDEV-252- isCustomFunction() behaviour for arrow functions should match that for conventional function-literal syntax
LDEV-248- static method syntax doesn't work as advertised
LDEV-686- railo-sl4j.jar still present in Lucee installers
LDEV-250- Lambdas are not closures