LDEV-3588- docker build trigger isn't working
LDEV-3517- update bundled cacerts file for 5.3.8
LDEV-3568- Better JDBC extension config for tests
LDEV-3572- DB Connection very high in lucee
LDEV-3108- Error on CFDocument: Provider for class javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory cannot be created
LDEV-3554- always redirect the lucee 8888 welcome page to /index.cfm
LDEV-3540- add function EncodeForSQL
LDEV-3465- Regression: inherited static variables no longer accessible in child components
LDEV-3504- when restarting via the admin, css/js resources aren't deployed yet
LDEV-3497- Lucee Server Admin "Restart Lucee" silently 404s on second click
LDEV-3527- GENERATEDKEY / GENERATED_KEY no longer being returned in result from QueryExecute
LDEV-3487- mysql insert not returning the identity
LDEV-3479- Unsupported feature: getMetaData using Oracle ojdbc7
LDEV-3239- cfhttp doesn't support TLSv1.3
LDEV-3078- cfdocument, images with data URLs don't work in the body
LDEV-2740- query doesn't throw any exception
LDEV-304- Query object doesn't always return results
LDEV-3084- regression, datasource session scope logging no longer going to scope.log
LDEV-2973- Sessiontimeout ignored with J2EE sessions
LDEV-3430- ORMExecuteQuery() with named argument throws error
LDEV-3244- member function with too many arguments throws incorrect Error
LDEV-3243- Schedule task - action=delete doesn't throws error for the non existing task
LDEV-3411- Application Scope Leak & Zombie DB connections when ORM inside CFTHREAD
LDEV-3396- Add function GetHttpRequestHeaders()
LDEV-3377- tag cfhttp stream support
LDEV-3346- NPE with lucee local docs
LDEV-3316- test.tags.Query.testQueryParamCharset tests failing on windows
LDEV-3256- web admin-Debugging settings shows Can't cast String [] to a boolean error
LDEV-3352- apache commons logging locked
LDEV-3214- Increased CPU usage (+40%) - due to scheduled task threads
LDEV-3266- cflog doesn't write application name to log
LDEV-3340- Do not store empty session/client scope to storage
LDEV-3242- NPE customtag and server.cache in admin (listCTCache)
LDEV-3275- IsNumeric returns True on strings like "3d" and "6f" (5.3.8 regression!)
LDEV-3221- Regression: Closure in static method calling another static method causes request to hang when run in parallel
LDEV-3334- static function cannot be used with dot notation
LDEV-3117- cfexecute directory="#GetTempDirectory()#" throws error
LDEV-3287- Unnecessary getRootPath() file system access on every request adds overhead
LDEV-3290- Reevaluate performance of locking overhead in pc.initApplicationContext() for every request
LDEV-3278- IllegalArgumentException timeout value is negative - using now() on cfschedule tag
LDEV-2087- Lucee 4 and 5 consumes too much heap memory with large uploads due to bug in HTTPServletRequestWrap.java
LDEV-3236- Failed to download the bundle [com.sun.jna:5.5.0] on first start without network connection
LDEV-3164- offline cached maven build fails with request for com.sun.jna
LDEV-3210- Heap memory gradually increases after complex use of ArrayEach() with parallel threads
LDEV-3062- add sessioncookie support for path attribute
LDEV-3199- function week() returns wrong value 54 for 27. december 2020
LDEV-3211- CFXML regression with LDEV-2810
LDEV-2785- Plugin log viewer doesn't work after installing extension until Lucee restarts
LDEV-2408- Plugin doesn't work after installing extension until Lucee restarts
LDEV-1746- Allow ${system.property} in Lucee config files
LDEV-2764- Allow Query to return a 1-record Struct
LDEV-2920- cfqueryparam list throws cryptic exception
LDEV-1328- add optional offset argument to callStackGet()
LDEV-3185- csrfGenerateToken() returns an empty string
LDEV-2881- Add iso format for DateTimeFormat
LDEV-2689- Function isValid for URLs does not validate SharePoint/Office365 links properly
LDEV-2623- Encrypted password didn't showing properly - Admin - Mail
LDEV-2617- Change the info in update page - Admin
LDEV-2518- when the update provider isn't accessible, show an error message
LDEV-2483- snapshot updates aren't being advertised on admin overview page
LDEV-2292- clearParam removes SQL
LDEV-2120- lucee/graph.cfm lack of exception handling
LDEV-1997- getPageContext().getRequest().getRequestUrl() different
LDEV-3122- add nameconflict="forceunique" for file uploads to use a filename with a uuid
LDEV-2902- Datasources defined in Application.cfc always get a timezone set
LDEV-946- Always include functions and properties in CFC metadata
LDEV-713- alias for cfthread-name
LDEV-3101- Allow initially missing application defined mapping physical paths to be re-checked
LDEV-2810- CFXML error
LDEV-2674- disabling debugging should purge the debug logs from memory
LDEV-3098- lucee admin is too animated for RDP sessions
LDEV-1826- Add QuerySetRow, Query.setRow() and allow returning an array from QueryRowData
LDEV-3156- Add Parameter Alias "onConflict" for "nameConflict" in fileUpload
LDEV-3148- forgbox extensions missing from admin
LDEV-3074- debugging template is called redundantly after a cfcontent tag
LDEV-3167- since toJson function, wrong available functions on error with unknown function
LDEV-2888- local lucee docs doesn't use member-position for object methods
LDEV-2686- Add function structValueArray()
LDEV-3155- REST errors do not trigger Application.onError()
LDEV-2898- Seemingly random but regular lucee.runtime.exp.TemplateException: lucee.transformer.library.tag.TagLibException popping up
LDEV-2712- shutdown taking 1m
LDEV-3163- cache connection not get updated with deployment
LDEV-3106- Reflected XSS via /rest/ endpoint
LDEV-3023- XSS in REST error handler
LDEV-3149- ACF2021 - add member function toJson
LDEV-3591- cfQuery is not Threadsafe! [pageContext / TimeZone]
LDEV-3147- ACF2021 - add function ClearTimeZone
LDEV-3143- cfqueryparam Should Accept datetime type as alias to timestamp
LDEV-3018- File uploads doesn't support allowedExtensions or strict="false"
LDEV-2990- Application.log entries missing due to default log level being ERROR
LDEV-3137- ACF2021 - add function ArrayUnShift
LDEV-3136- ACF2021 - add function ArrayShift
LDEV-3135- ACF2021 - add function ArrayPop
LDEV-3134- ACF2021 - add function ArrayPush
LDEV-2992- Add enabled attribute to cfdump
LDEV-42- Array methods: shift(), unshift(), push(), pop(), splice()
LDEV-3083- regression, logging from thread doesn't work
LDEV-2933- Oracle transaction isolation bug
LDEV-3111- nullPointerError with threads
LDEV-3126- Allow Controler validation of datasource connections to be disabled
LDEV-3124- Datasource timeout (isvalid()) checks can completely lock connection pool
LDEV-3121- improve extensions page
LDEV-2473- Lucee ignores cfmailparam name="Message-ID"
LDEV-2926- Mail leaks server information in Message-ID
LDEV-2561- No provider for smtp exception using AWS SES
LDEV-3071- debugging casts numbers to strings
LDEV-2161- REFind() with sub expressions returns incorrect match elements
LDEV-1960- add a purge debugging logs button/method
LDEV-1724- Daylight Savings Time, Scheduler, and 100% CPU Usages
LDEV-3087- Lucee 5.3.8 reReplaceNoCase is no longer case-insensitive
LDEV-3066- ReReplace regression
LDEV-2950- reFindNoCase does not return subexpression
LDEV-2333- reFind() and reFindNoCase() do not extract regular expression capture groups as subexpressions
LDEV-2892- add this.useJavaAsRegexEngine, use java regex engine instead of old oro engine
LDEV-2993- SameSite for CFCookie doesn't send None values
LDEV-3042- Query of Query performance is very bad and single threaded for complex SQL
LDEV-2541- Query of Query UNION doesn't distinct the resultset
LDEV-2382- Query of Query doesn't return correct results when UPPER() is used
LDEV-1525- error message for missing column in QoQ is org.hsqldb.Expression@70e4800d
LDEV-685- Query of Query with Aggregate Function Max Returns Error when Reserved Word in Orignal Query
LDEV-3075- Remove support for pack200
LDEV-3059- "Account
" Not working in cfmail from
LDEV-2234- cfmail only validates emails when spooling
LDEV-2233- mail spooler still retries mails with a missing from address
LDEV-3036- Hang: Log4JEngine: failed to stop thread. Conflict in same thread
LDEV-2559- arrayEach has too much memory overhead from duplicating pageContext
LDEV-2988- Missing "debugging.implicitAccess" variable in debug template
LDEV-3054- Setting enablenullsupport in cfapplication tag throws NoSuchMethodError
LDEV-3040- GetTagData should return the tag attributes in an ordered struct
LDEV-2490- /lucee/cache - max size and /lucee/temp/ - max size
LDEV-784- CSRFverifyToken() does not work when this.sessionCluster = true
LDEV-2977- administrator.cfc updateMapping()
LDEV-3016- clicking an admin update notification should auto select the latest version
LDEV-3026- ListAsArray.containsAll() invokes List.contain() method instead of List.containsAll()
LDEV-2998- cfhttp result cookie query resultset doesn't contain a samesite column
LDEV-2927- Web admin panel displays incorrect datasource host
LDEV-1200- datasource hints don't include username if password is blank
LDEV-1162- allow to set a general Proxy in the admin.
LDEV-1114- Proxy settings in server admin broken
LDEV-2934- ParseNumber has no default radix
LDEV-2945- CFMAIL doesn't default type to plain text when empty
LDEV-2960- Showing wrong exception using cfadmin - getdefaultSecurityManager function
LDEV-2538- Improve error message - cflocation tag with end tag didn't work properly
LDEV-2978- Administrator.updateDatasource() issues creating MSSQL datasource
LDEV-3001- Application log missing application name
LDEV-2562- \WEB-INF\lucee\context\admin\resources\img\arrow-right.gif.cfm not found
LDEV-3017- the word blacklist is offensive and should not be used
LDEV-2747- isNumeric doesn't support negative e notation
LDEV-2353- IsNumeric(...) & IsValid("numeric", ...) not working for negative exponent notation numbers as strings
LDEV-2961- PassBy="value" doesn't duplicate entire structure
LDEV-2971- array.append with merge with non array fails silently
LDEV-2883- Add support for the Argon2 hashing algorithm
LDEV-2555- Application action="update" reverts sessioncluster and clientcluster to false.
LDEV-3019- add possibility to add a cpu/memory/concurrent request threshold for request timeout
LDEV-2556- Regression: Local images no longer render in PDF in Lucee 5.3+
LDEV-2480- cfdocument crashes generating PDF with embedded base64 image in Java 11
LDEV-2528- Mixed-orientation PDF support
LDEV-2424- cfpdf action="getinfo" does not return PageRotations or PageSizes properties
LDEV-2595- pd4fonts.properties file generated by PDF extension is missing an important newline
LDEV-1693- XSS in Java StackTraces, REST error message
LDEV-93- cfpdf action="write" fails to preserve info metadata
LDEV-3708- XSS on error pages
LDEV-3010- queryparam measures maxlength based on character length instead of byte length
LDEV-3029- All factories fail for the operation "filestore" writing ARGB images out as JPEGs
LDEV-3009- add support for Java Regex
LDEV-2869- Converting an image to jpg on server
LDEV-2156- ReMatchNoCase() doesn't work as expected when handling with vast data
LDEV-2772- add an application setting to disable searching query resultsets for unscoped variables
LDEV-2749- JavaLoader throws exception loading Apache Tika library
LDEV-3220- better error feedback for cffile permission problems
LDEV-2885- Can't copy file
LDEV-2903- Parallel processing array.each() duplicates tmp-xxx.upload files on every loop, crashing the server
LDEV-2943- add maximum lifetime timeout for datasources
LDEV-2937- add possibility to configure the maximal lifetime of a datasource connection
LDEV-2928- code change affects already loaded components
LDEV-2823- lucee session databases queries aren't named
LDEV-2645- Regression: In Lucee 5.3.3, component Property function does not recognize variables defined at the top of that Component
LDEV-2748- Short-hand component properties parsed incorrectly - regression from 5.3.3
LDEV-265- Static variable values seem to occasionally "reset"
LDEV-2932- component looses static functions
LDEV-2912- Add attribute directory to cfexecute